----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 22 17:08:04 GMT 2012 Year: 12 Doy: 082 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Mar 22 17:08:05 GMT 2012 Medium cirrostratus with multiple lower cloud layers, wind=10mph from the SSE, temp=39F, no obs until clouds thin out. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Mar 22 23:06:16 GMT 2012 Light fog. ___end___ NOTE BY DARRYL: Fri Mar 23 00:16:46 GMT 2012 Weather bad all day, worked on managements tasks including RIM lists, GSA related, schedule related, phonecall with Steve, etc. ___end___ Fri Mar 23 04:28:22 GMT 2012 MkIV