----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 13 16:32:00 GMT 2012 Year: 12 Doy: 165 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jun 13 16:32:51 GMT 2012 clear skies, temp 37f, wind 7mph from sw ___end___ Wed Jun 13 16:37:00 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 16:37:43 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 18:38:10 GMT 2012: PSPT Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 20:14:57 GMT 2012 H-ALPHA Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 20:15:52 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 20:18:16 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 20:19:44 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Wed Jun 13 20:23:44 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Wed Jun 13 20:20:01 GMT 2012 Rebuilt and reinstalled main dome tranmission this morning. -Note when rebuilding the transmission fully removed the worm gear before trying to install or remove the spur gear. This should make life easier. -Transmission was relubrcated with 85W-140 found in the blue bottle in the main dome dog house. -If the limit switch is removed, it is easier to reinstall with the spring unloaded however this will likely be the incorrect position if work was done with the dome closed. To fix this, disconnect motor cable; open junction box next to shutter motor, jump all four colored wires (not the white ones) that lead to the limit switch [this disables the switch], now reconnect the cable, and drive the dome (up?) off the limit switch, disconnect cable, disconnect the two colored pairs of wires adn reinstall the wire nuts. This should restore full shutter functionatly. ___end___ Wed Jun 13 21:16:02 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Cal Wed Jun 13 21:34:43 GMT 2012 MKIV End Cal NOTE BY BEN: Wed Jun 13 21:36:12 GMT 2012 some clouds ___end___ Wed Jun 13 21:40:46 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Wed Jun 13 21:42:12 GMT 2012 Power flucuations. I think we had a bad one last night since ulua and gong ops were both rebooted ___end___ Wed Jun 13 22:02:15 GMT 2012 CHIP End Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Wed Jun 13 22:04:03 GMT 2012 Bigger power hit ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM COMMENT BY BEN**: Wed Jun 13 22:04:44 GMT 2012 Power caused akamai to reboot ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Jun 13 22:05:02 GMT 2012 I more power hit, akamai rebooted a second time ___end___ Wed Jun 13 22:05:17 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 22:08:32 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 22:08:33 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 22:29:58 GMT 2012 CHIP End Patrol GONG COMMENT BY BEN: Wed Jun 13 22:33:26 GMT 2012 Gong-ops station rebooted during the last power flucatations ___end___ Wed Jun 13 22:36:12 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 22:41:31 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Jun 13 22:45:36 GMT 2012 CHIP End Patrol Wed Jun 13 22:46:38 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Wed Jun 13 22:47:40 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Wed Jun 13 22:48:31 GMT 2012 H-ALPHA End Patrol Wed Jun 13 23:54:57 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Thu Jun 14 00:33:29 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol **GENERAL PROBLEM COMMENT BY BEN**: Thu Jun 14 00:45:41 GMT 2012 Bumped main ups power button with my knee. Took a while to recover we still dont have oopu, mlsoserver and ulua back yet ___end___ **GENERAL PROBLEM COMMENT BY BEN**: Thu Jun 14 01:02:22 GMT 2012 Ulua has a flashing orange power button while seems to indicate bad powersupply, will investiagte tomorrow ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY BEN: Thu Jun 14 01:13:35 GMT 2012 When CoMP run recipe starts it creates a image buffer for every ingredient in that recipe. The bufferes remain in memory until run recipe closes. Luckly for us labview doesnt allocate any memory to these buffers until they are filled. So for mega recipes like 1079_fastdoppler.rcp with hundres of ingredidents, labview ends up using hundress*2MB of memory. Since this is a 32bit machine the memory space runs out at 2GB and the program crashes. I have made a change to the working version of CoMP to just reuse the same image buffer over and over again. I am not sure if it is taking good/proper data since the dome is closed, but I can now pack 1000 ingredidents into a single recipe without labview even breaking a sweat (it is only using 250mb of memory). I will save these 2GB fts files in e:\testing\20120613 incase anyone is interesting in looking at them. ___end___ Thu Jun 14 01:19:45 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Thu Jun 14 01:21:12 GMT 2012 MkIV 06_13.rawmk4 20_36.rawmk4 21_00.rawmk4 21_40.rawmk4 22_17.rawmk4 20_15.rawmk4 20_39.rawmk4 21_03.rawmk4 21_43.rawmk4 22_32.rawmk4 20_19.rawmk4 20_42.rawmk4 21_06.rawmk4 21_46.rawmk4 22_41.rawmk4 20_21.rawmk4 20_45.rawmk4 21_09.rawmk4 21_49.rawmk4 22_44.rawmk4 20_24.rawmk4 20_48.rawmk4 21_12.rawmk4 21_52.rawmk4 33_12.rawmk4 20_27.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 21_19.rawmk4 21_55.rawmk4 c21_16.rawmk4 20_30.rawmk4 20_54.rawmk4 21_25.rawmk4 21_58.rawmk4 c21_22.rawmk4 20_33.rawmk4 20_57.rawmk4 21_31.rawmk4 22_08.rawmk4 c21_28.rawmk4