----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 19 16:50:13 GMT 2012 Year: 12 Doy: 263 Observer: berkey Wed Sep 19 17:34:34 GMT 2012: PSPT Start Patrol Wed Sep 19 17:35:37 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Sep 19 17:46:14 GMT 2012 CHIP End Patrol Wed Sep 19 18:08:00 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Sep 19 18:42:40 GMT 2012 CHIP End Patrol Wed Sep 19 19:06:13 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Sep 19 19:10:01 GMT 2012 temp 45f, wind 5mph form SE, cirrus covering the sky ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Sep 19 19:10:20 GMT 2012 Network still down. Waiting for the HawTel tech to come up and fix it ___end___ Wed Sep 19 19:20:38 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Sep 19 19:45:44 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Wed Sep 19 19:51:29 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT BY BEN: Wed Sep 19 20:34:15 GMT 2012 Clouds pulled in during mk4 cal ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Sep 19 20:39:27 GMT 2012 Cirrus thick again ___end___ Wed Sep 19 20:56:39 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol