----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 1 17:03:32 GMT 2012 Year: 12 Doy: 306 Observer: berkey ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 1 17:08:42 GMT 2012 Year: 12 Doy: 306 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 1 17:14:42 GMT 2012 Clear skies, temp 45f, wind 5mph from SE, I was greated this moring to 1/2 a dozen talkitive finches sitting on the NOAA tower ___end___ Thu Nov 1 17:15:59 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV Start Patrol Thu Nov 1 17:15:58 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Nov 01 17:17:14 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Thu Nov 1 17:19:34 GMT 2012: PSPT Start Patrol Thu Nov 1 17:22:01 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Thu Nov 1 17:22:02 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Thu Nov 1 17:36:40 GMT 2012: PSPT Start Patrol Thu Nov 1 18:01:46 GMT 2012 CHIP LSD Thu Nov 1 18:03:47 GMT 2012 CHIP End LSD Thu Nov 1 18:03:55 GMT 2012 CHIP BiasLSD Thu Nov 1 18:04:52 GMT 2012 CHIP End BiasLSD Thu Nov 1 18:05:01 GMT 2012 CHIP Bias Thu Nov 1 18:05:55 GMT 2012 CHIP End Bias Thu Nov 1 18:06:02 GMT 2012 CHIP ReStart Patrol Thu Nov 01 20:17:21 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Thu Nov 01 20:17:23 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Thu Nov 1 20:30:24 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Thu Nov 1 20:36:36 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Thu Nov 1 23:00:58 GMT 2012 CHIP LSD Thu Nov 1 23:02:45 GMT 2012 CHIP End LSD Thu Nov 1 23:02:54 GMT 2012 CHIP BiasLSD Thu Nov 1 23:03:33 GMT 2012 CHIP End BiasLSD Thu Nov 1 23:03:41 GMT 2012 CHIP Bias Thu Nov 1 23:04:19 GMT 2012 CHIP End Bias Thu Nov 1 23:04:31 GMT 2012 CHIP ReStart Patrol Thu Nov 01 23:16:21 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Thu Nov 01 23:16:23 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Fri Nov 2 00:54:29 GMT 2012 No progress to report on MKIV. I poked around the telescope tube looking for some sort of optical problem but found nothing conclusive. There is some sort of smug on the front of the front tilt plate it didn't come off blowing air on it. There is a rotation mechaism (I think related to the retarder) that has a lot of metal shaving that came off of it over the years I vacummed most of the particles but I assume some of this must have built up on the inside of the tube over the years (but I dont see any build up). I also feel like the light reaching the xfer lens ins't very bright. I have no frame of reference as I never look at the beam intensity when the instrument was working; it is just dimmer then I would expect. ___end___ Fri Nov 2 01:04:08 GMT 2012: PSPT Abort Patrol Fri Nov 02 01:04:21 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Fri Nov 2 01:04:47 GMT 2012 CHIP End Patrol Fri Nov 2 01:15:43 GMT 2012 MkIV 14_09.rawmk4 17_16.rawmk4 20_33.rawmk4