----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 9 17:26:55 GMT 2012 Year: 12 Doy: 344 Observer: berkey Sun Dec 9 17:36:15 GMT 2012: PSPT Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 17:38:06 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Dec 9 17:39:37 GMT 2012 Clear skies, temp 40f, wind 15mph from S. ___end___ Sun Dec 09 17:40:27 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol CoMP COMMENT BY BEN: Sun Dec 9 17:40:06 GMT 2012 CoMP image location appears to have slightly off center clipping one of the polarizations images. I believe this is something Dennis and Steve have done in the last two days. Since I see no notes indicating otherwise I will just run the instrument in this condition until they get here. CoMP COMMENT BY BURKEPILE: The intensity of the data (e.g. flats) increased dramatically after the work by Steve and Dennis. Steve told us that this was because they replaced a number of optics with new AR coatings that are optimized for 1 micron and therefore the transmission losses are greatly reduced resulting in higher intensities at the detector. I am making a note of this since it is not recorded elsewhere. ___end___ Sun Dec 9 18:02:51 GMT 2012 CHIP LSD Sun Dec 9 18:04:38 GMT 2012 CHIP End LSD Sun Dec 9 18:04:44 GMT 2012 CHIP BiasLSD Sun Dec 9 18:05:31 GMT 2012 CHIP End BiasLSD Sun Dec 9 18:05:37 GMT 2012 CHIP Bias Sun Dec 9 18:06:24 GMT 2012 CHIP End Bias Sun Dec 9 18:06:29 GMT 2012 CHIP ReStart Patrol Sun Dec 09 18:45:18 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 20:48:00 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Sun Dec 9 20:48:04 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 20:54:11 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Sun Dec 9 21:28:01 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 21:34:11 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Sun Dec 09 21:39:43 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Sun Dec 09 21:39:50 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Sun Dec 09 21:47:48 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Sun Dec 9 21:49:29 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 21:55:47 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Sun Dec 9 22:38:00 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 22:50:51 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Sun Dec 9 22:58:54 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 23:00:43 GMT 2012 CHIP LSD Sun Dec 9 23:02:41 GMT 2012 CHIP End LSD Sun Dec 9 23:02:49 GMT 2012 CHIP BiasLSD Sun Dec 9 23:03:31 GMT 2012 CHIP End BiasLSD Sun Dec 9 23:03:39 GMT 2012 CHIP Bias Sun Dec 9 23:04:17 GMT 2012 CHIP End Bias Sun Dec 9 23:04:24 GMT 2012 CHIP ReStart Patrol Sun Dec 9 23:08:27 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 23:16:00 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Sun Dec 9 23:22:24 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Dec 9 23:28:46 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Sun Dec 9 23:38:26 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Sun Dec 9 23:54:23 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Mon Dec 10 00:18:21 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Mon Dec 10 00:18:30 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Correct Mon Dec 10 00:20:04 GMT 2012 MKIV End Correct Mon Dec 10 00:20:38 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Mon Dec 10 00:32:48 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Mon Dec 10 00:42:54 GMT 2012 MKIV Start Patrol Mon Dec 10 00:50:29 GMT 2012 MKIV End Patrol Mon Dec 10 01:02:49 GMT 2012: PSPT Start Patrol Mon Dec 10 01:07:41 GMT 2012 CHIP End Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Mon Dec 10 01:30:43 GMT 2012 Lots of Mk4 work today, "We found the light, but its still not right". In the real time display things look good in the south but get funky towrad the north. And in the sudo-cal limages they look spiky everywhere. 3rd to last thing we did was run a correct. I think I will revert to the last know good before we start work again tomorrow. ___end___ Mon Dec 10 01:33:24 GMT 2012: PSPT Abort Patrol Mon Dec 10 01:33:32 GMT 2012: PSPT Abort Patrol Mon Dec 10 01:54:36 GMT 2012 MkIV 00_00.rawmk4 00_23.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 22_43.rawmk4 23_22.rawmk4 00_03.rawmk4 00_26.rawmk4 21_28.rawmk4 22_47.rawmk4 23_25.rawmk4 00_06.rawmk4 00_29.rawmk4 21_30.rawmk4 22_58.rawmk4 23_31.rawmk4 00_09.rawmk4 00_42.rawmk4 21_49.rawmk4 23_01.rawmk4 23_35.rawmk4 00_12.rawmk4 00_47.rawmk4 21_52.rawmk4 23_08.rawmk4 23_54.rawmk4 00_15.rawmk4 20_48.rawmk4 22_38.rawmk4 23_12.rawmk4 23_57.rawmk4