----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 19 17:07:23 GMT 2012 Year: 12 Doy: 354 Observer: berkey Wed Dec 19 17:18:07 GMT 2012: PSPT Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 19 17:18:12 GMT 2012 temp 35f, wind 15mph from sw, patchy cirrus throughtout the sky ___end___ Mon Dec 17 10:11:05 GMT 2012 CHIP Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT BY BEN: Wed Dec 19 17:19:27 GMT 2012 All mk4 electroics off right now, to facilitate work on the rotating retarder. Yesterday we thought we had it powered off but it continued to draw current and stay very hot until the very end of the day ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Dec 19 17:56:08 GMT 2012 Adjusted date/time on kii and nahenahe. Kii was off by 2 days nahenahe by 30seconds Note, I spend about 30 minutes trying to tweak kii ntp before giving up and doing it by hand so kii's date. During that time I manually jumped kii's time so the chip images will have funky date/times all morning. ___end___ Wed Dec 19 18:02:07 GMT 2012 CHIP LSD Wed Dec 19 18:04:08 GMT 2012 CHIP End LSD Wed Dec 19 18:04:18 GMT 2012 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Dec 19 18:05:19 GMT 2012 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Dec 19 18:05:31 GMT 2012 CHIP Bias Wed Dec 19 18:06:30 GMT 2012 CHIP End Bias Wed Dec 19 18:06:38 GMT 2012 CHIP ReStart Patrol Wed Dec 19 18:34:03 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Wed Dec 19 18:47:56 GMT 2012 Made a small move the to SW ADR position sensor to (hopefully) stop the dome from occulting SHABAR diode #1 ___end___ Wed Dec 19 21:30:11 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Wed Dec 19 21:30:13 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Wed Dec 19 23:00:44 GMT 2012 CHIP LSD Wed Dec 19 23:02:39 GMT 2012 CHIP End LSD Wed Dec 19 23:02:48 GMT 2012 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Dec 19 23:03:38 GMT 2012 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Dec 19 23:03:47 GMT 2012 CHIP Bias Wed Dec 19 23:04:30 GMT 2012 CHIP End Bias Wed Dec 19 23:04:38 GMT 2012 CHIP ReStart Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Wed Dec 19 23:10:07 GMT 2012 Starting to get some afternoon clouds ___end___ Thu Dec 20 00:28:41 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Thu Dec 20 00:28:43 GMT 2012 COMP Start Patrol Thu Dec 20 00:38:17 GMT 2012: PSPT Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT BY BEN: Thu Dec 20 01:07:13 GMT 2012 Wave plate rotator pulled, looks to really be bad starting the install of the spare. Should be done in time for morning obs. ___end___ Thu Dec 20 01:25:59 GMT 2012 COMP End Patrol Thu Dec 20 01:26:08 GMT 2012 CHIP End Patrol Thu Dec 20 01:26:07 GMT 2012: PSPT Abort Patrol Thu Dec 20 01:35:21 GMT 2012 MkIV