----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 21 17:33:41 GMT 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 052 Observer: stueben WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Feb 21 17:34:29 GMT 2013 Thin/moderate density cirrus cover most of the sky at present, wind south 5-10 mph, temp 30F. ___end___ NOTE BY ALLEN: Thu Feb 21 18:09:29 GMT 2013 Slow startup this morning. Too cloudy at present to run comp and mk4. Since Ben shut off the pspt circuit breakers yesterday due to roof leaks the sun workstation needed to be rebooted and the timer for the camera power was wrong. Waiting til everything comes up to temperature. ___end___ Thu Feb 21 20:20:36 GMT 2013 MKIV Start Patrol Thu Feb 21 20:26:49 GMT 2013 MKIV End Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM COMMENT BY ALLEN**: Thu Feb 21 20:27:37 GMT 2013 Pspt pc was locked up and now won't reboot - investigating. ___end___ Thu Feb 21 21:17:18 GMT 2013 MKIV Start Patrol Thu Feb 21 21:40:52 GMT 2013 MKIV End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Feb 21 21:41:04 GMT 2013 Cirrus cleared and I started mk4 only to have orographic clouds come up in about 10 min. ___end___ **PSPT PROBLEM COMMENT BY ALLEN**: Fri Feb 22 02:07:34 GMT 2013 The cpu fan on the processor board was not running, so probably the 486 cpu chip overheated and failed (this has happened at least once previously). The other cpu board that we have has a bad serial port so pspt is down for now. I considered swapping cpu chips with the other board but on removing them found that they have different pin configurations so a swap is not possible. Our options to get pspt running again appear to be replacing the cpu chip (the only available chips are used, removed from boards) or looking for a whole surplus cpu board. ___end___ Fri Feb 22 02:18:20 GMT 2013 MkIV 20_20.rawmk4 21_17.rawmk4 21_23.rawmk4 20_23.rawmk4 21_20.rawmk4 21_26.rawmk4