----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 27 17:15:18 GMT 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 058 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 27 17:22:18 GMT 2013 clear skies, tmep 40f, wind 25-30 from SE, leaving domes closed until the wind dies down a bit. ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Feb 27 19:29:51 GMT 2013 Wind speeds are increasing, now 35-40 ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY BEN: Thu Feb 28 02:03:17 GMT 2013 CoMP work today. Tried swapping the E-W NSC 200 controller with the replacement sent out. I had a lot of trouble integrating it, eventually I was able to move the NA12 motor via the computer, but when running the center occulter VI's the computer seemed to just hang. I think the problem is the RS485 address in the new controller, which I am unable to set with the nextstep-util, since I cannot connect to it. Eventually I swapped the origioanlly E-W controller back in and appears to be working. I set the occulter positions back to positions found in the fits files. But I assume the occulter will be a good ways off in the morning. ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY BEN: Thu Feb 28 02:08:19 GMT 2013 Change the Rockwell VI to automatitcally RUN when the VI is started. Allen had noticed this was a problem a few time recently ___end___ Thu Feb 28 02:23:41 GMT 2013 MkIV