----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 6 16:03:36 UTC 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 218 Observer: FakeObserver Hi All, Day 2 also went very well for Allen, Ben and I. There have been more photos added to the subversion folder. Allen again made great progress in the electronics decom. Check out the photo with the truckload of electronics headed to the e-waste facility. Ben and I also made great progress in the dome. Mk4 is now off the spar, except for some power supplies on the spar north face. The Mk4 mass total so far is 548 lbs. Tomorrow, the spar will be cleaned of everything except comp. The spar was roughly in balance at the end of the day. Scott, could you please check for the mount for the lead weights for the mlso spar? I think it will be very useful to implement. Please ship it if you locate it. Best, Steve