----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 8 16:01:38 UTC 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 220 Observer: FakeObserver Hi All, Just Allen and I today. This morning we balanced the spar. To facilitate this, we repurposed one of the shelves from the mk4 electronics to serve as a tray for the weights at the front end of the spar. Check the photos which are being added to subversion now. To achieve balance, we needed to remove the spar balance system, and also add some weights at the aft end of the spar. I think the spar guide telescope should be mounted on the south face of the spar in front of the front weight tray.When k-cor goes on the spar, the balancing system will have to be put back on and the aft weights will be added to it. We also mounted the drill template and checked for any interferences or holes under any of the mounting points. Everything looks good. Actually, the spar does not have that many holes drilled in it. I will be on the mountain tomorrow by myself. My plans are: pack optics for return mount shabar back on spar investigate thermal issues affecting seeing investigate cosmo siting issues If you need me to do or bring back something, please let me know. Best, Steve