----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 22 16:16:51 GMT 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 234 Observer: waters WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Thu Aug 22 16:17:12 GMT 2013 Clear skies with vog around 9500ft, temp 40F, windspeed is currently non-existent. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Thu Aug 22 16:20:23 GMT 2013 Scott and Brandon were up here and we are all getting ready to start the day! ___end___ Thu Aug 22 16:41:01 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol Thu Aug 22 17:20:41 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol Thu Aug 22 17:44:32 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol Thu Aug 22 17:46:04 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol Thu Aug 22 17:47:56 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol PSPT COMMENT BY waters: Thu Aug 22 17:48:32 GMT 2013 Pspt crashed and upon start up, it kept giving the error that the sun is still to low, go back to bed. Shutting Pspt down and restarting it to see if it'll fix it. ___end___ Thu Aug 22 17:52:26 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol Thu Aug 22 18:02:17 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol Thu Aug 22 18:15:27 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT BY waters: Thu Aug 22 17:59:04 GMT 2013 DOS machine wasn't communicating with the Sun machine. Rebooted DOS machine and iniated shut down. Motor stalled and produced a audible noise and I commenced to shut down pspt and loosen the clutch. The noise or alarm stopped about 20 seconds after shut down. Excerised the clutch and restart everything. Pspt had to manually moved into home position. It's working properly now. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Thu Aug 22 18:17:35 GMT 2013 Scott and Brandon tested the RA and Dec motors and fixed some software bugs as well. ___end___ Thu Aug 22 18:58:13 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Thu Aug 22 19:56:26 GMT 2013 Just installed the RA and commencing installation of Dec. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Thu Aug 22 22:36:23 GMT 2013 Mounted the dec and the motor. May need to go in and finish dialing it in but otherwise, looking good. ___end___ Thu Aug 22 22:42:55 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Aug 22 23:44:54 GMT 2013 KCOR comment logging changed from K-Cor to KCOR ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Aug 23 01:19:36 GMT 2013 Tested the RA motor, seems that the bolts are pulling the worm gear a little higher than needed and thus isn't engaging the brass gear. Possible a washer of the right size will help but will have to be obtained off site. Brandon and Scott are going to move on to hooking up the Dec motor and testing it. ___end___ Fri Aug 23 01:30:37 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Aug 23 01:30:35 GMT 2013 Just so it's known, I fit inside of the spar. Comments from Brandon: We finished loading the majority of the software for the SGS computer and bench tested both of the motors for verification. We also proceeded to install the RA and DEC mechanisms. A big thanks to Greg Card for cranking out the DEC assembly and identifying RA components out to us in a timely manner! ___end___