----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 2 16:47:09 GMT 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 245 Observer: rose WEATHER COMMENT: rose: Mon Sep 2 16:47:14 GMT 2013 clear skys, 51F, wind 10mph SE ___end___ Mon Sep 2 16:56:32 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol Mon Sep 2 16:56:38 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Mon Sep 2 21:11:06 GMT 2013 Camera installed and heating up, modulator A was installed. As of now, they are balancing the spar and the shutter is being worked on. ___end___ Mon Sep 2 22:44:07 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Mon Sep 2 23:53:01 GMT 2013 Got K-Cor up and running. Tuned the DEC and RA. The polarizor will be put in after lunch. ___end___