----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 15 17:08:13 GMT 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 288 Observer: stueben WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Tue Oct 15 17:08:20 GMT 2013 Mostly overcast but clearer north and west, wind calm, temp 41F. Awaiting clearer skies before opening domes. ___end___ Tue Oct 15 18:15:39 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Tue Oct 15 18:17:18 GMT 2013 Skies are clearing. Pspt started, may be able to start comp and kcor before too long. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mlso: Tue Oct 15 18:26:48 GMT 2013 Last night I found the problem with the SGSRAZR and SGSDECZR keywords, I was converting them to a string as integers so they rounded to zero every time. I swapped this to use the fractional number vi that SGSRAS so we should see fixed point decimal values in the fits header if/when the zeropoint chagnes in the guider. ___end___ Tue Oct 15 19:13:09 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Tue Oct 15 19:15:05 GMT 2013 A big dark orographic cloud has come up from the south. Pspt idled and upper dome closed. ___end___ Tue Oct 15 19:26:32 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol Tue Oct 15 19:40:56 GMT 2013 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Tue Oct 15 19:42:58 GMT 2013 KCOR End Patrol Tue Oct 15 19:46:51 GMT 2013 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Tue Oct 15 19:51:07 GMT 2013 COMP Start Patrol Tue Oct 15 19:53:02 GMT 2013 KCOR End Patrol Tue Oct 15 19:53:18 GMT 2013 KCOR Start Calibration script: C:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg.ini WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Tue Oct 15 19:54:16 GMT 2013 In a clear hole, trying to get some comp and kcor data. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY stueben: Tue Oct 15 19:56:58 GMT 2013 They Datatype for the fits headers may not be getting changed correctly, the value in the Datatype box in the grey fits window does not change as I select or deselect the Science Data button. ___end___ Tue Oct 15 20:04:22 GMT 2013 COMP End Patrol Tue Oct 15 20:09:14 GMT 2013 KCOR End Calibration Script Tue Oct 15 20:11:04 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Tue Oct 15 20:14:43 GMT 2013 In orographic clouds, instruments idled. Started a kcor calibration after getting a little science data(if the fits headers are correct) but clouds closed in about halfway through the calibration routine. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY stueben: Tue Oct 15 23:57:22 GMT 2013 SGS- After pointing the spar went to closed loop and SGS guided as usual. Clouds came up and it switched to open loop. A while later the clouds cleared but going back to closed loop the guider stabilized at quad cell voltages of .85V RA and -.85V Dec. Looking at the engineering screen showed the newly added guider zero point offsets at .1 RA and -.1 for Dec. Changing both values back to 0 resulted in the guider operating normally. As I didn't change the values until after finding them at +-.1 something seems to have happened in the software to change the values or for random/default/??? values to take effect. ___end___