----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 22 16:57:05 GMT 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 326 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Fri Nov 22 16:57:10 GMT 2013 temp 37f, winds 8mph from sw, clear skies ___end___ **KCOR PROBLEM COMMENT BY berkey **: Fri Nov 22 16:57:23 GMT 2013 ilx temp reads 33.5F with the TE current LED lit ___end___ Fri Nov 22 17:20:50 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 19:14:18 GMT 2013 New guider installed. The mount points for this guider are about 2" farther apart then the old guider. In its current arrangement the thor labs Ba2 plate at the back of the guider is install such that the long axis of the plate is perpendicular to the guiders optical axis and is held down with 2 screws. The front ba2 plate is installed parrel to the optical axis is held down with only one bolt. The post that attaches the guider to the ba2 plate is nearly inline with the top plate of the spar; and the solar side mountin hole for the front ba2 plate sticks out past the end of the spar and is not secure. At some point I would like to drill and tap a new set of holes for the back of the guider so we can move the front plate fully onto the spar. In order to do this the counter weither shelf of the south side of the spar may need to be remove, or at a minium the weights will need to be removed to get enough room to drill that area. Since the spar would be unbalanced during this drilling I think it is best to wait until a 2 person day on the mountian. Alernatively we could attempt to build an adaptor plate with a hole patter that match both guides and install it between the spar and the new guider. ___end___ Fri Nov 22 19:29:54 GMT 2013 COMP Start Patrol Fri Nov 22 19:42:10 GMT 2013 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 19:42:07 GMT 2013 Per request from Joan, exposure time has been increaed from .16 to .6ms ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 19:52:48 GMT 2013 Socketcam has been rebuilt with no LUT applied to the streaming data. A quick test of the steaming seems to produce reasonable raw dark files. ___end___ Fri Nov 22 20:49:29 GMT 2013 KCOR End Patrol Fri Nov 22 21:41:36 GMT 2013 COMP End Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 21:49:18 GMT 2013 Starting kcorDiffuser test with the LSD. Occulting disk has been removed for this test. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 21:50:30 GMT 2013 Taking a few frames with the LSD in the beam at .16ms integration time. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 21:55:08 GMT 2013 Taking data with ND in the beam. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 21:56:25 GMT 2013 Cover keyword is wrong :( I guess that bug crept back on. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 22:14:49 GMT 2013 Opal installed in telescope ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 22:16:08 GMT 2013 Taking opal data exposure set to .16ms ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 22:17:38 GMT 2013 First pass check of the opal data looks like it is 6x dimmer then the old diffuser ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 22:22:27 GMT 2013 Taking more nd data for fun and profit. This should be identical to the pervious set of ND data ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Nov 22 22:33:02 GMT 2013 Occulter reinstalled ___end___ Fri Nov 22 22:35:51 GMT 2013 COMP Start Patrol Fri Nov 22 22:45:30 GMT 2013 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg.ini Fri Nov 22 23:01:21 GMT 2013 KCOR End Calibration Script Fri Nov 22 23:02:30 GMT 2013 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Nov 22 23:14:26 GMT 2013 KCOR End Patrol Fri Nov 22 23:16:04 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol Fri Nov 22 23:16:08 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol Fri Nov 22 23:16:58 GMT 2013 COMP End Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Sat Nov 23 00:29:22 GMT 2013 Alice is creating gif images in ulua:/gallery/kcor so I plugged a montior into ulua to display the movies. Note the keyboard and mouse are sitting on top of ulua and the monitor is installed on the 3x3 monitor rack, so typing into the console isn't very egronomic. But for the first time since July(?) we have videos of the corona playing at MLSO. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Sat Nov 23 01:11:44 GMT 2013 Added some logic to initialize the cover,diffuser,calpol and shutter fits headers into the proper state. Up until now they were alwasy initialized as out of the beam with no poling to check proper state. Now as before things that move the stages update the header. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Sat Nov 23 02:25:42 GMT 2013 Doing an end of the day streaming dark test. Files are in /data/20131122 and are labled 20131123_022600... ___end___