----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 6 17:00:17 GMT 2013 Year: 13 Doy: 340 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Fri Dec 6 17:01:02 GMT 2013 temp 43f, wind 8pmph from SE, cirrus covering the sky ___end___ Fri Dec 6 17:37:48 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Dec 6 19:34:36 GMT 2013 Kcor O1 washed ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Dec 6 19:34:44 GMT 2013 CoMP o1 washed ___end___ Fri Dec 6 20:00:22 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Dec 6 20:53:17 GMT 2013 There was a hole/tear in the flexiable pipe that feeds clean hepa air to the Kcor fore-optics box. About 1 inch of the end of the pipe was removed before reinstalling it. The tube was also better secured so hopefully we dont get stress tears in the future. ___end___ Fri Dec 6 22:41:04 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol Fri Dec 6 23:58:56 GMT 2013: PSPT Start Patrol Sat Dec 7 00:48:30 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol Sat Dec 7 00:48:35 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol Sat Dec 7 00:48:39 GMT 2013: PSPT Abort Patrol