----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 21 16:39:43 GMT 2014 Year: 14 Doy: 111 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Mon Apr 21 16:39:45 GMT 2014 temp 43f, wind 25mph from SE with gusts to 30, thick overcast, domes are closed for now. ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Apr 21 17:15:13 GMT 2014 Doing some cadiance testing. For the test I have changed the run recipe vi to call "post process files" asynchronously. I think this may let us get waves data with shorter gaps between data in consectutive files. ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Apr 21 17:19:12 GMT 2014 Also note the domes are closed so this data is just engineering and should not be reduced or copied to boulder. ___end___ Mon Apr 21 17:19:49 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 17:22:08 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Apr 21 17:23:11 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 18:05:20 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Apr 21 18:07:34 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Apr 21 18:09:36 GMT 2014 Wind is really howling now. ___end___ Mon Apr 21 18:51:18 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Apr 21 19:14:24 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 19:58:08 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Apr 21 19:58:15 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 21:14:06 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Apr 21 21:14:11 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 21:15:16 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 21:15:40 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Apr 21 21:15:55 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 21:58:46 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Apr 21 22:01:29 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 22:49:32 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Apr 21 22:49:46 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Apr 21 23:31:48 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Tue Apr 22 01:08:03 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Tue Apr 22 01:21:43 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Tue Apr 22 01:57:45 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Tue Apr 22 02:03:34 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Tue Apr 22 02:06:53 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Tue Apr 22 02:19:39 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Apr 22 01:01:16 GMT 2014 Concluding comp asynchronous/synchronous post process files vi test. For the test the cadence was set to zero. And then I took a large series of 1074_V_3_250ms_2beam.rcp and found that the fts files were always created in under 28seconds with the average intergration time taking 25.2seconds when the post process was run asynchronous and 26.1 seconds when run synchronously. System has been reverted. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Apr 22 02:26:08 GMT 2014 Sky is skill completely overcast, winds are now 30mph with higher gusts. ___end___