----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 2 16:30:31 GMT 2014 Year: 14 Doy: 153 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Mon Jun 2 16:30:32 GMT 2014 temp 39f, wind 2mph from SW, skies mostly clear ___end___ Mon Jun 2 16:42:28 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol Mon Jun 02 16:42:56 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Jun 02 16:43:50 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Jun 02 16:45:04 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Jun 02 16:50:58 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jun 02 17:59:17 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Jun 2 17:59:24 GMT 2014: PSPT Abort Patrol Mon Jun 2 17:59:33 GMT 2014: PSPT Abort Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jun 2 18:00:24 GMT 2014 Fog blowing up from the NW, domes closed ___end___ Mon Jun 2 18:14:31 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol Mon Jun 02 18:17:56 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jun 02 18:19:14 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Jun 02 18:19:19 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jun 2 18:19:56 GMT 2014 From 17:58UT to 18:17UT kcor was tagged as science data, however the dome was closed so this should have been tagged engineering. ___end___ Mon Jun 02 18:22:09 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jun 02 18:25:00 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jun 02 18:28:45 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jun 02 18:33:27 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jun 02 18:35:10 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jun 02 18:40:38 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jun 2 19:08:06 GMT 2014 Trying to run CoMP with serial connection to the meadowlarks instead of usb. For this I disabled the init/shutdown of the meadowlark usb pipes. And changed the Meadowlark USB COM to usb COM in D3040 set voltages.vi ___end___ Mon Jun 02 19:10:09 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Jun 02 19:21:03 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jun 2 19:21:01 GMT 2014 Made a mistake with which Com ports to command updating to proper ports and tryign again. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jun 2 19:22:20 GMT 2014 Lots of passing clouds, thick stuff north of the observatory, thinner patchy stuff overhead. ___end___ Mon Jun 02 19:23:01 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jun 2 19:29:20 GMT 2014 Fog ___end___ Mon Jun 02 19:29:42 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Jun 2 20:05:18 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol Mon Jun 02 20:07:01 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Mon Jun 02 20:15:39 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jun 2 20:15:22 GMT 2014 I see corona in the comp 1074 images, using serial to control the meadowlarks. :) ___end___ Mon Jun 02 20:26:28 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Mon Jun 02 20:27:27 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jun 2 20:29:57 GMT 2014: PSPT Abort Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jun 2 20:31:25 GMT 2014 Domes are closed again, some fog near the observatory ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Jun 3 02:41:30 GMT 2014 I didnt get a chance to do much more testing on CoMP this afternoon; so we currently dont know if the program handles the higher cadance waves tuning properly. But I dont see why it shouldnt. I have saved my changes to the CoMP observing code and checked them into SVN. If there is and issue with waves or ..... anything else. We can revert the code and plug the USB cables back into the meadowlarks. ___end___