----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 12 16:45:23 GMT 2014 Year: 14 Doy: 255 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Fri Sep 12 16:45:24 GMT 2014 temp 43f, wind 10mph from S, skies mostly clear with cirrus to the south ___end___ Fri Sep 12 16:59:02 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol Fri Sep 12 17:06:31 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Fri Sep 12 17:20:18 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Sep 12 20:04:34 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Fri Sep 12 20:04:36 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Fri Sep 12 20:06:33 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Fri Sep 12 20:06:15 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 12 20:14:04 GMT 2014 Dome shutter moved down, sgs realigned ___end___ Fri Sep 12 20:15:17 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Fri Sep 12 20:21:11 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol ****EVENT COMMENT BY berkey**** : Fri Sep 12 20:25:36 GMT 2014 Kcor caught an erruptive promiance on the north limb of the sun. Promiance can also be seen in Ha in the gong data. Looks like this left the limb of the sun about 18:25UT near PA7 and moved east. It sis still visisble in the kcor field at 20:50UT ___end___ Fri Sep 12 21:25:25 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Fri Sep 12 21:25:26 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg.ini Fri Sep 12 21:41:14 GMT 2014 KCOR End Calibration Script Fri Sep 12 21:41:30 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Sep 12 21:41:31 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Sep 12 22:13:05 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol Fri Sep 12 22:16:01 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Fri Sep 12 22:16:04 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Fri Sep 12 23:00:05 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 12 22:58:54 GMT 2014 Starting distortion grid test. Distortion mask is in beam. Diffuser is in beam lens cover is out. Running Kcor observing softare in engineering mode 1ms intergrations Data starts 22:56:46 Data ends 23:07:51 ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 12 23:23:50 GMT 2014 Starting distortion test using a lamp as source to access RA's in a non solar direction. Integration time is set to 4ms exposures to account for the light loss in diffuser and distortion mask. ___end___ Fri Sep 12 23:34:02 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 12 23:28:00 GMT 2014 First postion is a measures 18degrees above the horizon when facing east. Just about the start of the observing day for Kcor. Data: 23:32:40->23:36:42 Next spot mesured 45degrees Data: 23:37:28->23:41:15 Next spot eyeballed vertical 23:43:02->23:45:49 Data measured 45 degrees west 23:48:20->23:52:23 measured 18degrees above the horizon to the west 23:53:24->23:57:26 45 west 23:58:12->00:02:30 Vertical 00:03:15->00:07:03 45 east 00:07:48->00:10:50 18 east 00:11:21->00:15:23 End of test ___end___ PSPT COMMENT BY berkey: Sat Sep 13 00:39:13 GMT 2014 Pspt dos box crashed, rebooting it seemed to bring pspt back to life. ___end___ Sat Sep 13 01:01:51 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol Sat Sep 13 01:07:21 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Sat Sep 13 01:03:23 GMT 2014 Fall is in the air, the harvest is upon us, and the sun grows larger in the days sky. To combat the negative effects of this apparently grown ball of plasma we have had to enlarge the protectived sheilds in our instrumentation. Kcor occulter swapped to 1006.9 Comp occulter swappped to #31 Changes were made to the observing code to reflect the hardware change and have been commited to svn. ___end___ Sat Sep 13 01:14:49 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol Sat Sep 13 01:15:36 GMT 2014 COMP Start Patrol Sat Sep 13 01:26:50 GMT 2014 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Sat Sep 13 02:34:13 GMT 2014: PSPT Abort Patrol Sat Sep 13 02:34:17 GMT 2014: PSPT Abort Patrol Sat Sep 13 02:35:35 GMT 2014 KCOR End Patrol Sat Sep 13 02:35:24 GMT 2014 COMP End Patrol