----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 1 17:03:57 GMT 2014 Year: 14 Doy: 274 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Wed Oct 1 17:03:59 GMT 2014 temp 39f, wind 5mph from the north, cirrus overcast will delay staring of the main dome instruments. ___end___ Wed Oct 1 17:09:15 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol GONG COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Oct 1 17:45:40 GMT 2014 Un-stowed gong ___end___ Wed Oct 1 17:47:17 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Oct 1 21:50:26 GMT 2014 Tightend the set screw on the X axis of the transmitted camera. Artifical source installed in front of the telescope tube. Going to run a test at multiple RA's to see if the set screw cleared up the large shift the X axis we saw in the Sept 12 data set. For now I am trying to repeat the test w/o the distortion mask in the beam. ___end___ Wed Oct 1 22:12:09 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Oct 1 22:01:18 GMT 2014 Starting start of day data set. 22:00:26->22:04:46 moving to 45 degrees East 22:05:31->22:09:34 moving to 90 degrees 22:10:20->22:13:37 moving to 45 west 22:14:07->22:18:10 moving to end long day position. 22:18:40->22:22:43 ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Oct 1 22:24:06 GMT 2014 Quick check of the data shows, I may need the distortion grid to do the anayslis after all. Installing it now. ___end___ Wed Oct 1 22:59:35 GMT 2014: PSPT Abort Patrol Wed Oct 1 22:59:39 GMT 2014: PSPT Abort Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Oct 1 22:41:08 GMT 2014 repeating test now distortion grid in the beam start of day position 22:41:55->22:44:11 moving to 45 east 22:44:57->22:47:59 moving vertical 22:48:29->22:53:48 moving 45 west 22:54:03->22:58:21 moving to end of day 22:58:51->23:02:24 ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Oct 1 23:45:03 GMT 2014 ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Oct 2 02:10:43 GMT 2014 Securing the focus stage didn't change the behavior. The focus stage locking screw was backed off such that we are back to the old observing configuration and the motor/springs will move the stage in the expected way. (With the spar pointed vertically). I went back to check the X axis locking screw loosening it a little to ensure I really did have control of it. To my surprise the camera and its corresponding mount visisble moved in a defocus, Y translation, Y tip motion. It looks like there is a bit of play in the dove tail of the Thorlabs DT25 stage so that when the setscrew was relaxed the wait of the camera/mount caused the dove tail rotate slightly in its guide. By eye this motion was repeatable in that tightening the locking screw caused the camera to move closer to the beam splitter and loosening it again caused it back off again. After noting where the motion was coming from I re-tightened the locking screw. After this I tired pushing and pulling on the camera mount to see if I could find anything else that had some play to it. I found that with a couple pounds of force applied to the .L bracket. that holds the Y axis dovetail the whole structure would move. I cannot tell if the problem is something flexing or if it is something like motion in a dovetail. I think the motion is related to the way the assembly cantilevers away from its base above the X axis DT25. If this is the case I think the fix will we may have to build a stiffer assembly. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Oct 2 02:10:49 GMT 2014 At some point during the work today it looks like the transmitted camera got moved moved a little and will need to be re-centered again. I did not fix this today becasue I would like to discuss a few things with the IG first and I ran out of time. Other then the de-center Kcor is back in a observing configuration. distortion mask out occulter back in lamp removed covers reinstaleld X axis set screw tightend ___end___ ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Oct 2 02:15:15 GMT 2014 Of perhaps general interest but I forgot to note it, We have been in and out of fog since around 1pm. ___end___