----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 17:05:14 GMT 2015 Year: 15 Doy: 098 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Wed Apr 8 17:05:16 GMT 2015 temp 37f, wind 5mph from the SE, cirrus overcast. Just enough structure to be photogenic but way to much for coronal work. Delaying start up of main cronographs for at least a little while. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Apr 8 21:03:53 GMT 2015 I made some changes to the mc4u control gui (which is increaingly out living its name), today to poll the eaton ePDU's to check which ports are on or off. I then take this information and display a green led if the ePDU has the nonimolly correct ports on and red if it is in some other state. The gui expects the down stairs ePDU to have ports 1-4 on and 4-8 off. Upstairs #1 expects 1-7 on and 8 off. Upstiars #2 expects 1-2 on and 3-8 off. I also added a little more logic into the summary LED "Ready for Synotpic Observations", such that is now look for the dark shutter to be out of the beam, ePDU's to be happy and modulator temp to be above 34C. ___end___ Thu Apr 09 00:25:38 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Apr 9 00:31:52 GMT 2015 Fog cleared. Now just in slight haze and patchy cirrus. Starting everything. ___end___ Thu Apr 09 00:32:29 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Thu Apr 09 00:35:38 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Thu Apr 09 00:35:58 GMT 2015 CoMP Paused for clouds Thu Apr 09 00:59:58 GMT 2015 CoMP Restarted from pause Thu Apr 09 00:59:59 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Apr 9 00:58:59 GMT 2015 I think I was to optimistic. Clouds are streaming over the summit, and it looks like we might get some moisture. Main dome closed. Carrying on with PSPT for now. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Apr 9 01:47:10 GMT 2015 Sending the spare kcor modulator back to HAO for charatization. ___end___