----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 11 16:55:22 GMT 2015 Year: 15 Doy: 131 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Mon May 11 16:55:24 GMT 2015 temp 42F, wind 5mph from the SW, skies covered with cirrus overcast. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT BY berkey: Mon May 11 17:55:29 GMT 2015 Fixed what I thought was the broken wire in the PSPT RA cableing. But pspt still has the same symptons. ___end___ Pspt Comment BY berkey:Tue May 12 02:21:47 GMT 2015 More PSPT trouble shooting today. The AMP 206044 crimp tools and crimp fittings that Rob send out arrived. P64-7 wire had become disconnected from its pin and a new pin was re-crimped on. I also found P64-8 had been spliced inside the adapter with a pair of the pin socket connectors; these two connectors were replace and the connection was re-spliced. Inspections of the P65 and P62 cables show no other visible issues. However in testing of the telescope issuing the "gdr home" causes the telescope to run away to the east with out stopping at the limit switch. It also feels like the telescope is moving faster then I remember it moving during home operations in the past; but slower then its max speed that I saw last week. Also potentially interesting I cannot move the dome from computer control anymore due to an axis error (I was originally just moving it to keep the sun off me while I was on the platform). I have not tried to move any of the other stages. I tried to check our documentation to see if/how the dome and RA get tied together in hardware (perhaps we damaged something in the control room), but it appears that the dome controller must have been added late in the design process and didnt get well documented so I am still pursuing that line of thought. More to come next time. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Tue May 12 02:22:17 GMT 2015 Cirrus never cleared enough to open the main dome. ___end___