----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 3 16:29:33 GMT 2015 Year: 15 Doy: 154 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Wed Jun 03 16:31:45 GMT 2015 Temp: 45.5f, Humidity: 27%, Pressure: 28.69in, Wind: 7mph from the SE, Skies: Clear with weak inversion layer capping most clouds below about 10,000ft ___end___ Wed Jun 03 16:42:25 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol Wed Jun 03 16:53:06 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol ****EVENT COMMENT BY berkey**** : Wed Jun 03 17:25:45 GMT 2015 Expanding CME seen in the Kcor diff images expanding in the north. Looks like it launched near PA330 3-4 hours ago. ___end___ Wed Jun 03 19:32:39 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Wed Jun 03 19:32:40 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20150323.ini KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Jun 03 19:34:35 GMT 2015 Clouds moving into the area. Calibration triggered with hopefully enough time to get though the whole sequence. ___end___ Wed Jun 03 19:49:50 GMT 2015 KCOR End Calibration Script Wed Jun 03 19:50:07 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Wed Jun 03 19:50:08 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Wed Jun 03 19:52:03 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Wed Jun 03 19:52:29 GMT 2015 CoMP Paused for clouds GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Jun 03 19:52:47 GMT 2015 Finished the Kcor calibrations with mintues to spare. Idling corongraphs for clouds. ___end___ Wed Jun 03 19:58:08 GMT 2015 CoMP Restarted from pause Wed Jun 03 19:58:40 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Wed Jun 03 20:00:33 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Wed Jun 03 20:00:59 GMT 2015 CoMP Paused for clouds Wed Jun 03 20:01:21 GMT 2015 CoMP Restarted from pause Wed Jun 03 20:01:21 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Jun 03 20:03:03 GMT 2015 Main dome closed ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Jun 04 02:24:22 GMT 2015 Frustrating afternoon. These fast moving low clouds are making a lot of sucker holes. ___end___