----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 10 16:16:36 GMT 2015 Year: 15 Doy: 191 Observer: waters WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Fri Jul 10 16:21:23 GMT 2015 Cirrocumulus covering the sky to the East-Southeast at present. Temp 43F with windspeed at about 8mph from the Southwest. Will wait for the Sun to come out before starting up. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Jul 10 17:46:08 GMT 2015 Cirrocumulus hass cleared out but there was altostratus clouds above. Will try to get SGS tracking but will wait for clouds to clear before starting up. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Jul 10 19:23:52 GMT 2015 Alice readjusted socketcam and I will be starting up Kcor with the lens cover in to see how everything went. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Jul 10 19:30:57 GMT 2015 Ran Kcor for about three minutes. Upon stopping, socketcam gave this out: ****brdclse.h in threadsforavging Brd0 cleanup error has occured. Brd1 clean up error has occured. Restarting avging program with 'avging stop' socketcam sending 'cam ready avging' socketcam recv error socketcam RecvSignalsThread ending. Socketcam didn't crash and I was able to restart Kcor with no problems. That error did show up when I stopped the program again and also when I quit socketcam. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Jul 10 20:07:07 GMT 2015 So those extra error messages in socketcam that I mentioned above are normal now. Thank you Alice! ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Jul 10 21:17:45 GMT 2015 Low clouds are coming over from the South, closing dome just in case. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Jul 10 23:22:30 GMT 2015 Clouds are a heavy dark grey and there's a fog bank to the South. Going to close up and head down soon. ___end___