----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 25 16:29:53 GMT 2015 Year: 15 Doy: 206 Observer: stueben WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Sat Jul 25 16:30:00 GMT 2015 Clear, wind south 10 mph, temp 48F. ___end___ Sat Jul 25 16:48:22 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol Sat Jul 25 17:09:35 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Sat Jul 25 18:01:04 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Sat Jul 25 18:01:06 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20150323.ini Sat Jul 25 18:18:32 GMT 2015 KCOR End Calibration Script Sat Jul 25 18:18:49 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Sat Jul 25 18:18:50 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol ****Possible CME in Progress stueben******: Sat Jul 25 19:00:10 GMT 2015 Cme visible at about PA45 starting about 1815UT. ___end___ You can check out the image data at: http://mlso.hao.ucar.edu WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Sat Jul 25 20:28:41 GMT 2015 Orographic clouds are beginning to degrade images. ___end___ Sat Jul 25 20:30:22 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Sat Jul 25 20:30:23 GMT 2015 CoMP Paused for clouds Sat Jul 25 20:31:21 GMT 2015 CoMP Restarted from pause Sat Jul 25 20:44:23 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Sat Jul 25 20:52:09 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol Sat Jul 25 20:52:22 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY stueben: Sat Jul 25 20:57:54 GMT 2015 Reconfigured dome shutter and adjusted sgs offsets. ___end___ Sat Jul 25 21:32:03 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Sat Jul 25 21:32:46 GMT 2015 CoMP Paused for clouds Sat Jul 25 21:52:01 GMT 2015 CoMP Restarted from pause Sat Jul 25 21:59:18 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Sat Jul 25 23:11:28 GMT 2015 In clouds, instruments idled. ___end___ **CoMP PROBLEM COMMENT BY stueben **: Sat Jul 25 23:12:17 GMT 2015 Large LN2 bottle is now empty. There is enough in the small bottle for tomorrow, but we'll need to borrow from NOAA, if possible to have enough to last until the wednesday delivery. ___end___