----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 3 17:01:38 GMT 2015 Year: 15 Doy: 215 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Mon Aug 03 17:04:30 GMT 2015 Temp: 49.4f, Humidity: 97%, Pressure: 28.594in, Wind: 3mph from East, Skies: clear above with a fog bank to the east and patch clouds around. Looks like we *might* get some data this morning. Domes are open and waiting for the sun to total pop out of the fog bank. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Aug 03 17:14:15 GMT 2015 Well that didn't last long. Closing the dome. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Aug 03 18:46:35 GMT 2015 Starting to get foggy ___end___ Mon Aug 03 18:56:51 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: comp.cbk Mon Aug 03 18:58:02 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: comp.cbk Mon Aug 03 18:59:08 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Mon Aug 03 19:09:14 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: comp.cbk Mon Aug 03 19:17:46 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol GONG COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Aug 03 20:43:03 GMT 2015 Gong cover installed due to rain. ___end___ Tue Aug 04 00:38:56 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: test_nd.cbk Tue Aug 04 00:39:25 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 00:39:25 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: test_nd2.cbk Tue Aug 04 00:40:07 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 00:40:07 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: comp.cbk Tue Aug 04 00:40:30 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 01:13:34 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: comp.cbk Tue Aug 04 01:15:00 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 01:21:02 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: test_nd.cbk Tue Aug 04 01:23:37 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 01:23:37 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: test_nd2.cbk Tue Aug 04 01:23:47 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 01:26:23 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: comp.cbk Tue Aug 04 01:27:07 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 01:27:08 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: comp.cbk Tue Aug 04 01:27:31 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 01:35:02 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00001.cbk Tue Aug 04 01:36:00 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 01:36:00 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: waves-00001.cbk Tue Aug 04 01:36:42 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Tue Aug 04 01:50:39 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: comp.cbk Tue Aug 04 01:52:05 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Aug 04 02:06:06 GMT 2015 Made a couple small changes to the main screen GUI so display only the file name of recipes and not the whole path. After this I "forked" the to start building/testing a new logic for the CoMP control system. In the current system we load a program "cookbook" every day that has a bunch observations "recipes". Over time the default cookbook has evolved to actually contain 2 observing programs SYNOPTIC and WAVES. With some deep(ish) knowledge of the two programs one could guess where a data file came from but there is no mechanism to explicit record it. So in the forked code I built up a now logic scheme that uses a menu that sits on top of the old cookbook structure and can cycle though cookbooks. The cookbook and recipe names to be run are then captured in the fits header for image 0 so data users can learn what program the data was taken in from the fits header itself. Currently the daily.menu file is setup to contain synoptic-00001.cbk and waves-00001.ckb, with the assumption that over time as these programs evolve (more Helium?) we can create new cookbook files with incremented file names such that we can always go back to one of the old modes. At this point I think the code works pretty well and has pass all the tests I can think of throwing at it. But I want to give it a few more days of rainy testing and get the input from a few other people before we think about running it for real. ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Aug 04 02:09:06 GMT 2015 Note fits files 20150803.153528.fts->20150803.153955.fts where taken with the forked obseving code in its "complete" form. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Aug 04 03:06:50 GMT 2015 Goodnight sun, goodnight sun, goodnight kcor looking at the moon, goodnight rain and the cold fog, goodnight little observatory and goodnight to the observers whispering hush, goodnight log. ___end___