----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 18 16:57:26 GMT 2015 Year: 15 Doy: 261 Observer: berkey **KCOR PROBLEM COMMENT BY berkey** : Fri Sep 18 16:59:34 GMT 2015 Kcor UPS load side was off this morning. Trying to clear the alarm and power cycling is helping. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Fri Sep 18 17:00:59 GMT 2015 Temp: 42.1f, Humidity: 40%, Pressure: 28.68in, Wind: 6mph from the east, Skies: clear ___end___ Fri Sep 18 17:23:32 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00001.cbk Fri Sep 18 17:26:55 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GONG COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 18 18:04:46 GMT 2015 Gong not guiding this morning. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 18 18:11:10 GMT 2015 k-corona looks 'neat' this morning. Looks like we might see activity near PA50 and PA130 today. ___end___ **CoMP PROBLEM COMMENT BY berkey** : Fri Sep 18 18:30:21 GMT 2015 CoMP real time images have an extra reflection/halo that appears on the right hand side of both polarization images. I dont remember seeing this in the past. The left hand side of the two polarization images look normal, just a annulus of light. But starting just to the left of the occulter post shadow and continuing to the right there is an extra band of light. This is defiantly seen in the 1074_V_250ms beam I am not sure about the 1083 images. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 18 18:32:35 GMT 2015 Kcor occulter starting to look slightly misaligned. More light appears to be leaking over the right side then the left. (Not sure if this is related to the comp image weridness. ___end___ GONG COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 18 18:54:37 GMT 2015 Gong guiding issue was related to a pitch oscillation. Eventually the oscillation was stopped by turning off the Pitch motor for a period of time before re-enabling, it took a few cycles but it has now been guiding well for about 30 minutes. ___end___ Fri Sep 18 19:45:20 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Fri Sep 18 19:45:21 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: waves-00001.cbk Fri Sep 18 19:56:34 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Fri Sep 18 19:56:52 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 18 20:05:30 GMT 2015 Moved shutter down, reaglined sgs and comp occulter. ___end___ Fri Sep 18 20:05:49 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00001.cbk Fri Sep 18 20:06:20 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol Fri Sep 18 20:06:20 GMT 2015 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: waves-00001.cbk Fri Sep 18 20:09:23 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Sep 18 20:09:34 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Fri Sep 18 20:09:35 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20150323.ini Fri Sep 18 20:26:46 GMT 2015 KCOR End Calibration Script Fri Sep 18 20:27:03 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Sep 18 20:27:04 GMT 2015 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Sep 18 20:40:43 GMT 2015 KCOR End Patrol Fri Sep 18 20:40:52 GMT 2015 CoMP Paused for clouds GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Sep 18 21:04:16 GMT 2015 Closing dome for clouds. ___end___ Sat Sep 19 01:39:25 GMT 2015 CoMP Restarted from pause Sat Sep 19 01:39:25 GMT 2015 COMP End Patrol