----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 11 16:48:16 GMT 2016 Year: 16 Doy: 011 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Mon Jan 11 16:49:43 GMT 2016 Temp: 37.3f, Humidity: 7%, Pressure: 28.764in, Wind: 9mph from SW, Skies: Light haze becoming more prominate toward the west. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jan 11 18:04:36 GMT 2016 Spar had the RA osicllation again this morning. More tinkering with the weights dialed it out. ___end___ Mon Jan 11 18:07:03 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jan 11 19:35:15 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jan 11 19:43:58 GMT 2016 repointing sgs ___end___ Mon Jan 11 19:48:28 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jan 11 20:15:12 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Mon Jan 11 20:15:14 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 20:17:28 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Mon Jan 11 20:17:29 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 20:21:50 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Mon Jan 11 20:21:51 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 20:30:37 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Mon Jan 11 20:30:38 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 20:30:58 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Mon Jan 11 20:30:58 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 20:32:11 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jan 11 20:35:37 GMT 2016 This morning to stop the oscillations, I addd 5# to the front of the spar. This helped but, but put made the front of the spar to heavy to the point the clutch slipped and we long the last 15ish mintues while I added some mass to the back end to balance it out. ___end___ Mon Jan 11 21:07:47 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Mon Jan 11 21:07:48 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 21:08:11 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Mon Jan 11 21:08:12 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 21:35:17 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jan 11 22:10:30 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 22:10:31 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20150323.ini Mon Jan 11 22:27:35 GMT 2016 KCOR End Calibration Script Mon Jan 11 22:27:52 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jan 11 22:27:53 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jan 11 22:38:01 GMT 2016 wind speeds getting up near a closure limit ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jan 11 22:42:59 GMT 2016 partially closing shutters to reduce wind apature. ___end___ Mon Jan 11 22:49:12 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Mon Jan 11 22:55:40 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Mon Jan 11 22:55:34 GMT 2016 re aligned sgs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Jan 12 01:18:21 GMT 2016 Ulua has been unplugged from the network at the direction of CSMT due to security issues. This will break the mlsodata dashboard weather data prevent the observers from seeing kcor quicklook images until the issues are addressed. ___end___ Tue Jan 12 02:12:25 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Tue Jan 12 02:12:27 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Tue Jan 12 02:19:28 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Tue Jan 12 02:19:29 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Tue Jan 12 02:20:50 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Tue Jan 12 02:29:38 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Tue Jan 12 02:29:39 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Tue Jan 12 02:31:15 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Tue Jan 12 02:45:17 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Tue Jan 12 02:45:18 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Tue Jan 12 02:45:19 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Tue Jan 12 02:45:33 GMT 2016 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Tue Jan 12 02:45:35 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Jan 12 02:51:25 GMT 2016 I had a lot of issues with the guider today. ___end___