----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 3 16:28:19 GMT 2016 Year: 16 Doy: 155 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Fri Jun 03 16:28:38 GMT 2016 Temp: 45.8f, Humidity: 87%, Pressure: 28.745in, Wind: 10mph from 5degs, Skies: clear above hazy near the horizon. ___end___ Fri Jun 03 16:43:28 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00002.cbk Fri Jun 03 16:52:25 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Fri Jun 03 16:52:32 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00003.cbk CoMP COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Jun 03 16:53:53 GMT 2016 Changed the CoMP menu to point at a new cookbook, synotpic 3. This new synoptic cookbook does a 17 wavelenght 1083 QUV 50ms measurment right after the normal 5 wavelength 1083 QUV measurment. ___end___ Fri Jun 03 16:54:42 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Jun 03 19:28:13 GMT 2016 SGS Alignment complete Fri Jun 03 19:38:38 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Fri Jun 03 19:38:39 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: waves-00001.cbk Fri Jun 03 20:01:14 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Fri Jun 03 20:01:15 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20150323.ini Fri Jun 03 20:18:26 GMT 2016 KCOR End Calibration Script Fri Jun 03 20:18:43 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Jun 03 20:18:44 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri Jun 03 20:57:14 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Fri Jun 03 21:06:33 GMT 2016 CoMP Paused for clouds Fri Jun 03 21:22:30 GMT 2016 CoMP Restarted from pause Fri Jun 03 21:24:03 GMT 2016 CoMP Paused for clouds Fri Jun 03 21:46:43 GMT 2016 CoMP Restarted from pause Fri Jun 03 21:46:43 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Sat Jun 04 01:31:41 GMT 2016 SGS Alignment complete KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Sat Jun 04 01:33:00 GMT 2016 Kcor O1 washed. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Sat Jun 04 01:33:15 GMT 2016 Shutter track lubed. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Sat Jun 04 02:19:11 GMT 2016 I think I did a better job cleaning the kcor O1 this tiime (vs pervious attempts). DI water + alconox seems to leave less residue and sheet off the lens better then distilled water. But I am still having a lighting issue. I find a good way to illuminte the lens to see small junk or residue while I am cleaning things. I think the problem is the room is too bright (I attemped to block many of the windows around the cleaning station but perhaps need to find better curtians/cardboard next time) and my light sources are to dim and wide. So far the easiest way I have found to see cleaning problems is to look down (or up the tube) while sunlight is illuminuating the lens, and I haven't been able to replcate that at the cleaning statino. ___end___