----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 27 16:30:58 GMT 2016 Year: 16 Doy: 209 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Wed Jul 27 16:31:51 GMT 2016 Temp: 41.2f, Humidity: 67%, Pressure: 28.732in, Wind: 17mph from 121degs, Skies: Clear with cirrus overcast in the far south east ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Jul 27 17:14:31 GMT 2016 ___end___ Wed Jul 27 17:26:48 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00007.cbk Wed Jul 27 17:31:06 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol **CoMP PROBLEM COMMENT BY berkey** : Wed Jul 27 17:34:56 GMT 2016 The E-W occulter motor could not overcome the weight of the occutler and extra spring this morning. To align the occulter I took the optics box cover off, and manual held the weight of the occulter station with my hand. I then homed the E-W station and drove it slightly west of center. With the cover replaced and the motor put back into remote I was able to finish the alignment with the software using only east (with gravity) moves. ___end___ Wed Jul 27 19:12:32 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Wed Jul 27 19:13:01 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Jul 27 19:13:49 GMT 2016 skies look great but shutting down for wind no above 30mph from the east. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Wed Jul 27 21:51:03 GMT 2016 New wireless is online. ___end___ **GENERAL PROBLEM COMMENT BY berkey** : Wed Jul 27 22:14:55 GMT 2016 Dome got stuck again today. Dome skirt was found stuck on a piece of the flashing that got dislodged due to contact with the underside of the dome skirt. Checking most of the north part of the dome had flashing damage which I was able to clear to free up the dome motion. It looks like the root cause (or a root cause) of the dome catching the flashing is about 1/2" of play in where the dome sits on the rollers. It looks like this may be part of the design of the dome and Ash has a recommendation that you can install some optional spacers on the roller shafts to help with centration. I think there were no spacers shipped with the dome because none were installed and there are none in the spare parts bags the contractors left us. I also checked the other domes on site PSPT and the NOAA ones and find no spacers on any of the rollers. With the dome in proper position on the walls I dont think we would have had any interference between the dome and the flashing; but we have enough wind to push the two into contact. Today with our east winds the dome was sitting about 1/2" off the the west of where it should sit. To prevent further damage to the flashing and binding of the dome I have installed some washers as spacers on 4 of the rollers. (Ash says the spacers do not need to be installed on every roller) The dome now has much better centering on the walls and moves smoothly. I expect this isn't the last we've heard from the dome. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Jul 28 04:01:41 GMT 2016 Nets guys still testing fibers. Should be done in the next hour or so. ___end___