----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 2 16:52:54 GMT 2016 Year: 16 Doy: 276 Observer: rose WEATHER COMMENT: rose: Sun Oct 02 16:54:45 GMT 2016 Temp: 40.6f, Humidity: 87%, Pressure: 28.765in, Wind: 8mph from 141degs, Skies: 100% cirrus and 20% altocumulus ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY rose: Sun Oct 02 16:55:40 GMT 2016 waiting for it to clear up some before opening up ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY rose: Sun Oct 02 20:40:46 GMT 2016 orographic clouds are moving up the mountain, they are moving in under the cirrostratus that already cover the entire sky ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY rose: Mon Oct 03 02:00:15 GMT 2016 no data today ___end___