----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 30 16:06:25 GMT 2017 Year: 17 Doy: 181 Observer: waters WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Fri Jun 30 16:06:29 GMT 2017 Temp 46F with windspeed at about 6-11mph from the South-Southeast. Some cirrus on the Eastern horizon and scattered across the sky. Once the Sun is above the cirrus, I think we'll have a good amount of time for data, but we'll see how it goes. ___end___ Fri Jun 30 17:54:31 GMT 2017 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited KCOR COMMENT BY waters: Fri Jun 30 19:28:45 GMT 2017 Unfortunately, the sky was too bright to take any data before Ben cleaned the K-Cor O1 and the field lens. They have both been cleaned. However, the sky is still too bright to take any data yet. ___end___ Fri Jun 30 19:30:19 GMT 2017 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Fri Jun 30 20:01:25 GMT 2017 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Sat Jul 1 01:28:35 GMT 2017 Alas, the sky only got worse, thicker cirrus came up and so no data today. Hoping tomorrow's a better day. ___end___