----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 17:05:53 GMT 2017 Year: 17 Doy: 297 Observer: waters WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Tue Oct 24 17:09:14 GMT 2017 Temp 48F with windspeed at about 12-17 mph with gusts between 23-28mph from the South. In fog with a light rain coming down. Thunderstorm to the Northeast. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Tue Oct 24 17:15:25 GMT 2017 Found the Southeast window upstairs open when I came in; looks like it might have blown open due to a pressure difference but not sure about that. Luckily, no water was on the floor, just a few drips on the sill. Removed the silver plate that it's supposed to latch onto and was able to lock it shut tight. No signs of water anywhere in the main upper dome area but the doghouse floor has a puddle infront of the door. ___end___ GONG COMMENT BY waters: Tue Oct 24 17:56:54 GMT 2017 Went down to the GONG shelter and stowed the turret. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Tue Oct 24 18:00:38 GMT 2017 Wind is gusting up to 30 plus now. Filled both the CoMP dewar and our portable dewar. Looking at the weather forecast, it looks like it's going to get worst before it gets better. Going to head down now. ___end___