----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 8 16:52:52 GMT 2018 Year: 18 Doy: 039 Observer: waters WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Thu Feb 08 17:03:19 GMT 2018 Temp 31F with windspeed at about 9-15mph from the West-Southwest. Sky looks a bit bright but otherwise it's clear at the moment. Hard snow between 8,000ft to 10,000ft with frost on the ends, so slow going coming up. The boardwalk was a little bit slick, walked on the lave that didn't have snow. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY waters: Thu Feb 08 17:08:53 GMT 2018 Kcor temp at 31.8C. Will wait for it to warm up before starting. ___end___ **GENERAL PROBLEM COMMENT BY berkey** : Thu Feb 8 17:18:14 GMT 2018 During one of the electrical outages yesterday SGS lost its Ethernet connection. The chassis seems to reboot whenever windows tries to write to or otherwise talk to the Ethernet port. Such that the system would tend to boot up ok for a while then suddenly restart, sending the system into recovery move (which wouldn’t work). If the Ethernet cable was pulled out the system would boot fine, but instantly reboot. This rebooting happened even if the farside of the Ethernet cable was disconnected. We also ended up with a KVM extension issue either due to mistake in troubleshooting the Ethernet problem or due to the power issue. As of right now the KVM extension boxes are bypassed and we have a long VGA and USB cable connecting the SGS computer to the observer’s console. The functionally of the SGS otherwise seems correct. With no network on the SGS we no longer have: -The automatic lens cover on Kcor. If the guiding gets back observers need to intervene manual. -No SGS kcor keywords. -No SGS log on Kodiak to compare with shabar ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Feb 8 17:24:13 GMT 2018 Added a new condition to kcor get sgs, such that if the sgs is unavailable all the SGS keywords will be set to NaN. This is turned on or off with a Boolean constant in the K-Cor - FITS - Parse C-Thread to FITS vi. Since this code is a kludge for the broken SGS feed, I think it is ok to manually turn it on now and leave it on until we replace SGS hardware. ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY waters: Thu Feb 08 17:27:04 GMT 2018 Comp cover was not in this morning. ___end___ Thu Feb 08 18:13:16 GMT 2018 CoMP occulter has been re-centered GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Thu Feb 08 18:13:18 GMT 2018 Sky is too bright to run instruments at the moment. Waiting for better conditions before starting up. ___end___ Thu Feb 08 19:38:46 GMT 2018 CoMP occulter has been re-centered Thu Feb 08 19:40:24 GMT 2018 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00012.cbk GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Thu Feb 08 19:50:37 GMT 2018 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Thu Feb 08 19:50:41 GMT 2018 PM Blew off CoMP O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Thu Feb 08 20:06:46 GMT 2018 Sky is still a little too bright for K-Cor ___end___ Thu Feb 08 20:34:31 GMT 2018 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Thu Feb 08 21:15:27 GMT 2018 COMP End Patrol Thu Feb 08 21:16:45 GMT 2018 CoMP occulter has been re-centered Thu Feb 08 21:16:46 GMT 2018 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00012.cbk Thu Feb 08 21:44:32 GMT 2018 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Thu Feb 08 21:48:58 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Thu Feb 08 22:18:44 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol Thu Feb 08 22:19:11 GMT 2018 COMP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Thu Feb 08 22:24:24 GMT 2018 In rapidly building orographic clouds, blowing fog nearby, instruments idled and dome closed. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Thu Feb 08 22:58:34 GMT 2018 A bit of fog and a light rain at the moment. ___end___ Thu Feb 08 23:45:32 GMT 2018 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Thu Feb 08 23:46:20 GMT 2018 CoMP occulter has been re-centered Thu Feb 08 23:46:23 GMT 2018 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00012.cbk Thu Feb 08 23:48:26 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Thu Feb 08 23:48:15 GMT 2018 Sky is still bright but it has cleared, starting up the instruments. ___end___ Fri Feb 09 01:20:51 GMT 2018 COMP End Patrol Fri Feb 09 01:20:52 GMT 2018 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: waves-00003.cbk Fri Feb 09 02:24:00 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol Fri Feb 09 02:24:02 GMT 2018 COMP End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Fri Feb 09 02:30:25 GMT 2018 Just a note, we didn't get a data stream for K-Cor today. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Fri Feb 09 02:31:14 GMT 2018 Sky was bright, much worse in the morning than in the afternoon. We did get a rush of clouds and a bit of rain about mid day but it cleared up. Hopefully tomorrows' sky will be less bright. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: stueben, waters