----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 10 16:58:34 GMT 2018 Year: 18 Doy: 100 Observer: stueben WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Tue Apr 10 17:01:11 GMT 2018 Temp: 40.9f, Humidity: 100%, Pressure: 28.771in, Wind: East 5-10 mph, Skies: Overcast with light rain at present. ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY stueben: Tue Apr 10 21:50:16 GMT 2018 We packed up all the comp components to go back to Boulder and loaded them on Ben's truck. Ben and Steve are now on the way to fedex to ship everything. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Tue Apr 10 21:51:32 GMT 2018 The rain has stopped and some blue sky is visible, but still mostly cloudy. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: stueben: Wed Apr 11 01:32:06 GMT 2018 Still cloudy. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: berkey, stueben, Steve Tomzyck