----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 11 15:57:42 GMT 2018 Year: 18 Doy: 162 Observer: waters WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Mon Jun 11 16:31:59 GMT 2018 Temp 39.9f with windspeed at about 7-13mph from the East. Sky is currently covered with cirrocumulus. Waiting for better conditions before opening. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Mon Jun 11 17:51:08 GMT 2018 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ **KCOR PROBLEM COMMENT BY waters** : Mon Jun 11 17:55:36 GMT 2018 Lens cover stopped shortly after trying toput it back in beam. Moved the spar out of the Suns' line of sight for now while Ben looks at what is happening. ___end___ Mon Jun 11 18:43:15 GMT 2018 SGS Alignment complete Mon Jun 11 18:43:38 GMT 2018 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Mon Jun 11 18:47:22 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jun 11 19:10:53 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Mon Jun 11 19:11:15 GMT 2018 Ben is currently doing an O1 inspection real quick. ___end___ Mon Jun 11 19:16:23 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jun 11 19:32:30 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Mon Jun 11 19:32:44 GMT 2018 Ben is inspecting the field lens ___end___ Mon Jun 11 19:34:48 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jun 11 19:43:22 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Mon Jun 11 20:04:14 GMT 2018 Stopped taking data so Ben could pull the O1 for cleaning ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY Observer: Mon Jun 11 21:53:34 GMT 2018 O1 was washed under normal procudure, to deal with the polarization signal we were seeing over the weekend. Inspection in full sun shows no obvious signs of residue. ___end___ Mon Jun 11 21:57:03 GMT 2018 SGS Alignment complete **KCOR PROBLEM COMMENT BY Observer** : Mon Jun 11 21:58:06 GMT 2018 Troubleshooting the lens cover it was found that the in-beam proximity limit sensor (The one closest to the door.) Was flaky at first it appeard to be a cableing issue due as it would kind of come and go and the connector was backed off. But swapping it with spare prox gave I was able to tighten the cable all the way down and not see any dropouts. Testing moving the cover back and forth seems to show that the new prox is working properly. During the install I was unable to put the new prox back in the exactly same place as the old one due to clocking of the cable; so I think we are now about .5mm further away from the flag than we were thte last time. Since the old prox showed some potential contact damgae I think this new location is ok and maybe even better. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Mon Jun 11 22:02:03 GMT 2018 Delaying taking data because of cirrus coming in. ___end___ Mon Jun 11 22:36:25 GMT 2018 SGS Alignment complete Mon Jun 11 22:36:40 GMT 2018 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Mon Jun 11 22:40:14 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Mon Jun 11 23:04:34 GMT 2018 Ben rotated the O1 90 degrees clockwise looking down the tube when he reinstalled the lens into its housing. ___end___ Mon Jun 11 23:40:43 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Mon Jun 11 23:41:38 GMT 2018 Some cirrus coming in, K-cor idle for now. ___end___ Mon Jun 11 23:44:59 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Mon Jun 11 23:53:08 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Mon Jun 11 23:53:36 GMT 2018 Cirrus, Kcor idled ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Jun 12 00:28:21 GMT 2018 Tired to blow off the back of the kcor o1 to get rid of the 2 bulletholes. Not sure if this worked; looked ok outside the telescope looked worse after going back in :/ ___end___ Tue Jun 12 00:29:01 GMT 2018 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Tue Jun 12 00:30:07 GMT 2018 Kcor sees an SGS Guiding Error closing lens cover Tue Jun 12 00:30:08 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Jun 12 00:40:17 GMT 2018 Kcor images post last inspection seem to have a halo of light off oneside of the occulter in the raw data. I think the Halo is in the north side but I am not 100% I am doing the transformation in my head properly. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Jun 12 00:42:19 GMT 2018 Spar dec dropped and then shot back up at 230pm hst, which triggered the SGS error. ___end___ Tue Jun 12 00:46:16 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Tue Jun 12 01:00:29 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol Tue Jun 12 01:00:44 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Tue Jun 12 01:01:16 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol Tue Jun 12 01:02:00 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Tue Jun 12 01:06:32 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol Tue Jun 12 01:06:48 GMT 2018 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Tue Jun 12 01:07:58 GMT 2018 Going in and out of bright patches. ___end___ Tue Jun 12 01:08:09 GMT 2018 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY waters: Tue Jun 12 01:30:04 GMT 2018 Today was an alright day for taking data; a good amount of aerosols, especially in the afternoon as well as cirrus. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: berkey, waters