----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 20 17:21:55 GMT 2020 Year: 20 Doy: 080 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Fri Mar 20 17:23:12 GMT 2020 Temp: 38.8f, Humidity: 88%, Pressure: 28.789in, Wind: 11mph from 279degs, Skies: Overcast in the east patch cirus to the west ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Mar 20 21:18:45 GMT 2020 With the dome closed today we are testing some of the socketcamaero code. until noted othewise any kcor data will b engineering data from the aero code. ___end___ GPS COMMENT by MLSO: Fri Mar 20 21:45:06 GMT 2020 Successfully logged in to system Good disk mount GPS software running Last 5 GPS data files are: dataoutiq_2020_076_1917.bin 2147483647 dataoutiq_2020_077_1917.bin 2147483647 dataoutiq_2020_078_1917.bin 2147483647 dataoutiq_2020_079_1917.bin 2147483647 dataoutiq_2020_080_1917.bin 281762616 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Mar 20 22:52:50 GMT 2020 Done with aero testing. Going to try to get some data between clouds. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY berkey: Fri Mar 20 23:13:57 GMT 2020 Bad call sky wasn't clearning dome closed again. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: berkey