----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 26 16:27:16 GMT 2020 Year: 20 Doy: 331 Observer: lisapg WEATHER COMMENT: lisapg: Thu Nov 26 17:25:53 GMT 2020 Temp: 36.2f with windspeed at about 6-12mph from the South-Southwest. Besides a few tufts of cirrus, the sky looks clear. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 17:25:59 GMT 2020 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 17:26:05 GMT 2020 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 17:26:43 GMT 2020 PM Blew off Kcor Field Lens - Field lens was removed and both sides were blown off. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 17:37:15 GMT 2020 Kept getting an error on Kcor every 30 seconds: Exception occured in SPiiPlusCOM660.Channel.1: Code 130, Timeout expried in K-Cor - ACS - Enable.vi->K-Cor - Mechanism - Get Mech Position-async.vi:2610001->K-Cor - Mechanism - Get Mech Position-async.vi.ACBRProxyCaller.E400039 This usually happens when the O1 slips back all the way. I moved the O1 manually away from the bolt that keeps it from slipping off and restarted K-Cor computer since I couldn't find the SPiiPlus application on the desktop to re-initialize it. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 17:53:07 GMT 2020 Ended up having to a power cycle of the Nema box upstairs as the SPiiPlus was not happen after the KCor computer reboot. Things are peachy now and we're set to go!!! ___end___ Thu Nov 26 17:53:37 GMT 2020 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Thu Nov 26 17:55:56 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 18:04:08 GMT 2020 There are four artifacts in the Northern part of the data. Going to blow off the front of the field lens to see if that helps. ___end___ Thu Nov 26 18:07:35 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 18:07:37 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 18:10:17 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol KCOR COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 18:18:12 GMT 2020 Seems they were little filaments of lint on the field lens that may have fell when I repositioned the spar on the Sun. One of them is very stuck on but the other three have left the images. ___end___ Thu Nov 26 18:22:12 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 18:22:16 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 18:22:47 GMT 2020 Cirrus cupping the Sun, should pass rather quickly. Kcor idled for now. ___end___ Thu Nov 26 18:25:36 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 18:43:05 GMT 2020 SGS started oscillating. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 18:51:18 GMT 2020 I meant Spar in the last comment ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 19:58:27 GMT 2020 Holding off calibrations as it looks like there is movement in the Southeast part of the limb ___end___ Thu Nov 26 21:06:09 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 21:06:23 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 21:07:22 GMT 2020 Clouds coming in from the West, Kcor stopped for now. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 21:10:53 GMT 2020 Some of the clouds coming in look a little low, closing the dome just in case. ___end___ GPS COMMENT by MLSO: Thu Nov 26 21:45:11 GMT 2020 Successfully logged in to system Good disk mount GPS software running Last 5 GPS data files are: /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_326_2146.bin 2147483647 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_327_2146.bin 2147483647 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_328_2146.bin 2147483647 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_329_2146.bin 2147483647 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_330_2146.bin 0 Disk usage: 2099204 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2147483647 Nov 9 09:10 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_313_1713.bin ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 21:46:08 GMT 2020 Fog passing through ___end___ Thu Nov 26 22:49:17 GMT 2020 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Thu Nov 26 22:50:49 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:12:44 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:12:56 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:13:15 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 23:13:31 GMT 2020 Passing cloud, pushing through it. ___end___ Thu Nov 26 23:14:27 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:18:24 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:29:38 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:29:53 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:33:56 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:38:07 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:38:14 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:42:34 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:46:47 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol Thu Nov 26 23:46:49 GMT 2020 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Thu Nov 26 23:52:35 GMT 2020 Some of the clouds crossing look a little low, Kcor stopped and closing the dome just in case ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY lisapg: Fri Nov 27 00:27:58 GMT 2020 Besides a few setbacks in the morning, not too bad of a day to take data. Unfortunate on the timing of the clouds rolling in and eventually out and back in. Hope tomorrow is a better day. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: lisapg