----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 3 16:49:33 GMT 2021 Year: 21 Doy: 123 Observer: mlso WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon May 03 16:51:48 GMT 2021 Temp: 41.5f, Humidity: 14%, Pressure: 28.738in, Wind: 5mph from 76degs, Skies: Clear but hazy skies. High inversion layer above Maunakea. Cannot see Haleakala on the horizon. Wisps of high altitude Cirrus scattered in different areas of the sky, mostly to the north. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon May 03 16:51:55 GMT 2021 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon May 03 16:52:00 GMT 2021 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ Mon May 03 16:58:39 GMT 2021 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon May 03 17:03:15 GMT 2021 Kcor now running. Sky is bright. SGS off sets: X(RA): -115, Y(Dec): 70. Checked Polarization: Mid, Bright, Dark, Mid. ___end___ ****Possible CME in Progress mcotter**** : Mon May 03 21:22:27 GMT 2021 Possible CME seen launching near PA:250deg at time 20:45 UT ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon May 03 22:59:39 GMT 2021 Temp: 50.2f, Humidity: 56%, Pressure: 28.734in, Wind: 10mph from 355degs, Skies: Orthographic clouds have formed on the western slope of Maunaloa and are now moving into the viewing area. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon May 03 23:00:45 GMT 2021 Kcor now paused. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue May 04 02:14:52 GMT 2021 The morning was decent enough to take data, though the sky was a little bright. Clouds began to move in around noon and then the weather continue to worsen through the afternoon. Now it is foggy with rain and drizzle. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue May 04 02:22:29 GMT 2021 Worked on Ucomp for most of the afternoon. The hardware for the adjustable optic rail was showing signs of gouging when we attempted to make adjustment to the kinematic jacks, jam nuts and hold down socket head cap screws. We changed one of the kinematic jacks with a new one and applied a thin film of grease to the rest of the hardware to help prevent gouging. We left off by applying a penetrating oil to the socket head cap screws that bolt the optic bench to the spar. We were unable to continue with the alignment because the Sun became obscured by clouds. We will continue in the morning. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: berkey, mcotter