----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 14 16:50:15 GMT 2021 Year: 21 Doy: 134 Observer: mlso WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Fri May 14 16:52:01 GMT 2021 Temp: 38.6f, Humidity: 44%, Pressure: 28.779in, Wind: 5mph from 180degs, Skies: Rain and mist from Hilo to approximately 8,000' level. Hazy skies with the inversion layer visible on the horizon at or above Maunakea. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 16:52:18 GMT 2021 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 16:52:24 GMT 2021 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 16:56:18 GMT 2021 There are a lot of aerosols present and the Kcor focus image is much too bright to focus at this time. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 17:22:35 GMT 2021 The sky is still too bright to run the focus routine. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 18:17:51 GMT 2021 The sky is still much too bright to run the focus routine. ___end___ Fri May 14 18:44:30 GMT 2021 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 18:49:31 GMT 2021 I was finally able to run the focus routine and get a decent parabola. There were aerosols visible in the focus image, and it appeared rather bright, but the synoptic image looks much better. The synoptic image is not nearly as bright and the white disk around the occulter is quite distinguishable. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 18:51:40 GMT 2021 Kcor now running. SGS offsets: X(RA): -132, Y(Dec): 67. Checked polarization: Mid, Bright, Dark, Mid. ___end___ ****Possible CME in Progress mcotter**** : Fri May 14 19:16:12 GMT 2021 Possible CME seen launching near PA: 260 deg at time 18:56 UT. ___end___ Fri May 14 20:54:20 GMT 2021 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20171025.ini GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 21:14:00 GMT 2021 Kcor calibration was running and clouds and fog blew in out of nowhere and were almost completely over the observatory dome. I aborted the calibration cycle, stopped Kcor and put the lens cover in beam. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Fri May 14 21:14:43 GMT 2021 Dome shutter doors and windows have been closed in the event of precipitation. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat May 15 01:06:43 GMT 2021 Overcast with light rain. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat May 15 02:15:13 GMT 2021 The day started with the sky very bright. I was finally able to start Kcor at mid morning but clouds and fog came in very swiftly in the late morning and Kcor was stopped and the dome closed. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: mcotter