----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 28 16:45:28 GMT 2021 Year: 21 Doy: 179 Observer: mlso WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jun 28 16:48:54 GMT 2021 Temp: 52.2f, Humidity: 10%, Pressure: 28.589in, Wind: 5mph from 127degs, Skies: Relatively clear but slightly hazy skies. Light wind out of the southeast. Inversion layer visible on the horizon approximately at or above the level of Haleakala. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 16:49:02 GMT 2021 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 16:49:06 GMT 2021 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 16:49:13 GMT 2021 PM Blew off UCoMP O1 ___end___ Mon Jun 28 16:53:33 GMT 2021 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 16:58:30 GMT 2021 Kcor up and running. SGS offsets: X(RA): -125, Y(Dec): 110. Checked polarization: Mid, Bright, Dark, Mid. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 17:05:46 GMT 2021 Ucomp up and running. While running the "Center Occulter" function I noticed a bit of angular rotation of the relative position of the occulter that I have not noticed before. The stem of the occulter appears to have moved a few degrees counter clockwise from zenith. ___end___ ****Possible CME in Progress mcotter**** : Mon Jun 28 20:03:26 GMT 2021 Possible CME seen launching near PA: 310 deg at time 19:24:02 UT. ___end___ GONG COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 20:07:32 GMT 2021 The GONG trailer inside temp went in the Yellow, so I opened the door to help cool the compartment down. ___end___ Mon Jun 28 20:35:01 GMT 2021 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20171025.ini Mon Jun 28 20:50:14 GMT 2021 KCOR End Calibration Script GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 22:48:02 GMT 2021 In the log from June 27th, 2021 Lisa noted that the spar began oscillating around mid afternoon (approximately 3:45pm HST). Lisa confirmed that the oscillation was not caused from wind. Later in the afternoon, approximately 4:20pm HST and again at approximately 4:30pm HST, Lisa noted the spar oscillating again. When the spar was pointing at zenith today I made some slight adjustment to the RA Mechanism, tightening the clutch pad a little bit. I will monitor the spar closely as it approaches the same orientation this afternoon and will watch to see if the oscillating condition persists. ___end___ Mon Jun 28 22:57:16 GMT 2021 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 23:05:06 GMT 2021 When the spar tracked past zenith I manually adjusted the dome position and rotated the dome opening approximately 180 degrees so the spar could continue to track on sky. ___end___ **KCOR PROBLEM COMMENT BY mcotter** : Mon Jun 28 23:13:28 GMT 2021 I momentarily stopped the Kcor instrument and re-ran the focus routine to see if the Kcor NRGF image would improve. Currently, because of an increase in aerosols, the image quality has degraded significantly since this morning. I will need to wait and watch to see if this has had a positive effect on image quality. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jun 28 23:18:44 GMT 2021 I have on three occasions saw yellow light spilling out from the Ucomp occulter. On all three occasions I have engaged the Center Occulter button and adjusted the occulter position. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Jun 29 00:52:06 GMT 2021 The Kcor NRGF image appears to have gotten slightly better as a result of re-focusing this afternoon. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Tue Jun 29 00:58:49 GMT 2021 Temp: 55.4f, Humidity: 61%, Pressure: 28.542in, Wind: 11mph from 40degs, Skies: The skies are getting brighter and there is a significant increase in the aerosols visible in the instrument images. Orthographic clouds have formed in the north, west and south. Bits of Altocumulus are forming above the observatory in various places and then dissipating. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Tue Jun 29 01:24:59 GMT 2021 Orthographic clouds are beginning to encroach on the observatory viewing area from the north. So far there are just small bits of clouds trailing in but the images are becoming bright. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Jun 29 01:42:02 GMT 2021 Kcor and Ucomp are now stopped because clouds have moved into the viewing area. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Jun 29 02:02:42 GMT 2021 There was a small break in the clouds so I tried restarting both Kcor and Ucomp, but clouds have returned and are thicker than before. The dome shutter doors and windows have been closed in the event of precipitation. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Jun 29 02:04:55 GMT 2021 The sky is still crowded with clouds to the north but overhead in the viewing area they have dissipated. The dome shutter doors are open and Kcor and Ucomp are again running. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Jun 29 02:49:41 GMT 2021 The sky has grown increasingly bright. Kcor and Ucomp have been stopped. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Jun 29 02:52:47 GMT 2021 I carefully watched the spar in from the mid afternoon onward and did not see any signs of oscillation. Perhaps the slight tightening of the RA clutch pad took care of the problem, but we should continue to monitor and report on this anomaly if it should return. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Jun 29 02:54:12 GMT 2021 Good day for taking data! CME this morning. Aerosols became prevalent in the afternoon making for slightly bright skies. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: mcotter