----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 6 17:06:26 GMT 2021 Year: 21 Doy: 310 Observer: mlso WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sat Nov 06 17:09:06 GMT 2021 Temp: 41.9f, Humidity: 17%, Pressure: 28.767in, Wind: 7mph from 180degs, Skies: Overcast skies with high altitude Cirrus clouds spread across the entire sky. Inversion layer visible on the horizon at or above Haleakala. Light wind blowing from the south. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 17:17:55 GMT 2021 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 17:18:10 GMT 2021 PM Blew off UCoMP O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 17:18:16 GMT 2021 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ Sat Nov 06 17:32:09 GMT 2021 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 17:36:30 GMT 2021 I attempted to run the Kcor focus routine but the sky is much too bright to run the Kcor instrument at this time. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 17:36:59 GMT 2021 The sky is too bright to run Ucomp at this time. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 19:00:51 GMT 2021 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:03:06 GMT 2021 The sky seems to have cleared. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 19:04:30 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_80ms_2beam_16sums_BOTH.cbk line 0 KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:05:13 GMT 2021 Kcor now running. SGS Offsets: X(RA): 0, Y(Dec): 10. Polarization checked good: Mid, Bright, Dark, Mid. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 19:05:47 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 637_Scan.cbk line 0 UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:05:31 GMT 2021 Ucomp now running. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 19:07:55 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 656_Scan.cbk line 0 Sat Nov 06 19:09:46 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 789_Scan.cbk line 0 Sat Nov 06 19:11:35 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1074_Scan.cbk line 0 Sat Nov 06 19:13:25 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1079_Scan.cbk line 0 Sat Nov 06 19:15:14 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:18:40 GMT 2021 High altitude Cirrus clouds are still scattered in areas across the sky, but in the viewing area of the Sun the Cirrus seems to have dissipated. The sky remains a bit bright, as can be seen in the Kcor Focus Routine with aerosols prevalent, but the Kcor Stand Alone Image Acquisition images look good. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:21:48 GMT 2021 PM Blew off Kcor Field Lens. A fiber or hair has appeared in the Kcor NRGF Image so I blew off the Kcor Filed Lens in order to remove the object. It appears to have worked as the object is now gone. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 19:26:28 GMT 2021 UCoMP Paused for clouds GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:28:04 GMT 2021 I have had to pause both Kcor and Ucomp as the sky has become quite bright as can be observed in the Kcor Stand Alone Images. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 19:32:08 GMT 2021 UCoMP Restarted from pause Sat Nov 06 19:32:59 GMT 2021 UCoMP Paused for clouds GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:34:17 GMT 2021 The sky as viewed in the Yawcam -Preview image looks better but the sky continues to be a little bright. I tried restarting both Kcor and Ucomp but it is too bright to run at this time. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 19:42:26 GMT 2021 UCoMP Restarted from pause GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:42:48 GMT 2021 The Kcor and Ucomp instruments are again running. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 19:46:40 GMT 2021 UCoMP Paused for clouds GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 19:51:37 GMT 2021 The Kcor and Ucomp instruments are again paused for bright skies. When looking at the sky it is difficult to to see clouds or any unusual brightness in the viewing area. The sky, as seen in the Yawcam Preview image, looks quite blue. I will continue to operate the instruments periodically to see if the sky has improved. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 20:20:47 GMT 2021 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 20:26:52 GMT 2021 I tried restarting the Kcor Stand Alone Image Acquisition program several times and it was unresponsive. I Shut down the Kcor programs, waited a half minute and restarted all the Kcor programs and they all came up properly. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 20:27:40 GMT 2021 UCoMP Restarted from pause Sat Nov 06 20:29:09 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal.cbk line 0 Sat Nov 06 20:30:42 GMT 2021 UCoMP Paused for clouds GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 20:33:49 GMT 2021 I again attempted to run the Kcor instrument, though the focus routine image looked a bit bright and aerosols were visible in the images. When the Kcor Stand Alone Image Acquisition images came up they looked good, but within a few minutes they began to get bright again. I again paused the instruments but will continue to try and get on sky as the sky actually looks good when looking at it with the naked eye. ___end___ Sat Nov 06 22:59:24 GMT 2021 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Sat Nov 06 23:00:22 GMT 2021 UCoMP Restarted from pause Sat Nov 06 23:01:08 GMT 2021 UCoMP Paused for clouds Sat Nov 06 23:01:58 GMT 2021 UCoMP Restarted from pause Sat Nov 06 23:05:00 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal.cbk line 7 WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sat Nov 06 23:07:41 GMT 2021 The sky seems to have cleared a bit and it is not quite as bright as it was earlier. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 23:08:09 GMT 2021 Kcor instrument now running again. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Nov 06 23:08:31 GMT 2021 Ucomp instrument now running again. ___end___ Sun Nov 07 00:11:53 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_80ms_2beam_16sums_BOTH.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 00:13:10 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 637_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 00:17:33 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 656_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 00:21:36 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 789_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 00:25:40 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1074_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 00:29:43 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1079_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 00:33:47 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook waves_1074_1hour.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 01:43:25 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_200_1sums_80ms.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 01:48:24 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 02:07:00 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal.cbk line 0 Sun Nov 07 02:10:37 GMT 2021 UCoMP Paused for clouds Sun Nov 07 02:23:41 GMT 2021 UCoMP Restarted from pause Sun Nov 07 02:27:14 GMT 2021 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal.cbk line 7 UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Nov 07 02:38:52 GMT 2021 Twice I have noticed that the Ucomp image will look over saturated and that it appears that the occulter alignment is far off, but when I look at the Kcor image it looks fine. I paused the instrument with the "Cloud" button and then engaged the "Center Occulter" button. When the occulter image came up to be centered it did not appear to be far off. I am unsure of what is going on. When I first saw this condition I thought that perhaps a filter or some other mechanical devise might not have made it through full travel. But when I leave the "Center Occulter" GUI, after making just minor adjustments, the screen and occulter position seem fine and the instrument appears to be functioning normal. I have not seen this anomaly happen before but will continue to watch and report if it occurs again. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Nov 07 02:56:42 GMT 2021 The sky is beginning to get a little bright and aerosols are becoming quite prevalent in the Kcor NRGF image. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Nov 07 02:57:14 GMT 2021 Emptied trash receptacles in the observatory. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Nov 07 03:13:44 GMT 2021 The day started out clear but there was some areas of the sky that had high altitude Cirrus present. I was able to collect some data this morning in between clouds and bright areas of the sky, but by afternoon the sky conditions improved considerably and I was able to run both Kcor and Ucomp for most of the afternoon. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: mcotter