----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 31 17:25:05 GMT 2022 Year: 22 Doy: 031 Observer: mlso WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jan 31 17:27:16 GMT 2022 Temp: 38.0f, Humidity: 10%, Pressure: 28.677in, Wind: 8mph from 201degs, Skies: Somewhat overcast skies with large bands of Altocumulus clouds covering large portions of the sky. Cold with a steady wind blowing from the south-southwest. ___end___ Mon Jan 31 20:11:20 GMT 2022 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Mon Jan 31 20:16:07 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_80ms_2beam_16sums_BOTH.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 20:16:47 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jan 31 20:18:58 GMT 2022 The sky has cleared nicely and the clouds have diminished, though aerosols are a bit high. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 20:19:10 GMT 2022 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 20:19:25 GMT 2022 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 20:19:31 GMT 2022 PM Blew off UCoMP O1 ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 20:21:18 GMT 2022 Kcor instrument now running. SGS offsets: X (RA): 40, Y (Dec): 30. Polarization checked good: Mid, Bright, Dark, Mid. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 20:21:37 GMT 2022 Ucomp instrument now running. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mlso: Mon Jan 31 20:23:15 GMT 2022 Spent the last 2.5 hours mostly in clouds; but also trying to look at the location of the field lens w.r.t. the lyot stop by using a new lens sent out from Steve. Testing is done for now and the original field lens is in place. ___end___ Mon Jan 31 20:35:16 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal.cbk line 0 WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jan 31 20:53:00 GMT 2022 High altitude Cirrocumulus has formed and is now spreading across the sky from the north. So far it has not encroached into the field of view but aerosols are beginning to increase. ___end___ Mon Jan 31 20:58:36 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 20:59:43 GMT 2022 The Ucomp instrument has been paused due to sky conditions. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 21:00:22 GMT 2022 The Kcor instrument has been stopped due to sky conditions. ___end___ Mon Jan 31 21:03:52 GMT 2022 UCoMP Restarted from pause WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jan 31 21:11:30 GMT 2022 Clouds that were obscuring the viewing have dissipated and the sky over the observatory is now clear. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 21:11:52 GMT 2022 Ucomp instrument is back on sky. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 21:12:16 GMT 2022 Kcor instrument is back on sky. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 21:14:08 GMT 2022 Because it was cloudy this morning and we were delayed getting on sky no calibration will be run today. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jan 31 21:18:31 GMT 2022 Aerosols have come down and are not nearly as prevalent as they were earlier this morning. ___end___ Mon Jan 31 21:23:47 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal.cbk line 22 Mon Jan 31 21:53:09 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook no-occulter-flat.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 21:59:43 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_80ms_2beam_16sums_BOTH.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 22:01:00 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 637_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 22:05:19 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 656_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 22:09:23 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 789_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 22:13:14 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jan 31 22:18:40 GMT 2022 High altitude Cirrostratus clouds have again started forming to the north-northwest and have moved into our viewing area. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 22:19:05 GMT 2022 Ucomp instruments paused due to sky conditions. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jan 31 22:19:44 GMT 2022 Kcor instrument has been stopped due to sky conditions. ___end___ Mon Jan 31 22:27:44 GMT 2022 UCoMP Restarted from pause Mon Jan 31 22:27:51 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1074_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 22:30:02 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds Mon Jan 31 22:34:24 GMT 2022 UCoMP Restarted from pause Mon Jan 31 22:36:04 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1079_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 22:40:08 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook waves_1074_1hour.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 23:04:05 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook waves_1074_1hour.cbk line 0 Mon Jan 31 23:07:37 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook waves_1074_1hour.cbk line 5 ****Possible CME in Progress mcotter**** : Mon Jan 31 23:56:54 GMT 2022 Observers report with High confidence a CME seeing launching near PA 240 deg, with a minimum width of 15 deg, at UT time 23:32:10. ___end___ Tue Feb 01 00:11:26 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Tue Feb 01 00:16:09 GMT 2022 Unfortunately clouds have begun to form in the viewing area again and the images have gotten extremely bright. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Feb 01 00:16:57 GMT 2022 The Ucomp instrument has been paused due to worsening sky conditions. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Feb 01 00:17:24 GMT 2022 The Kcor instrument has been paused due to worsening sky conditions. ___end___ Tue Feb 01 00:45:01 GMT 2022 UCoMP Restarted from pause GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Feb 01 00:46:40 GMT 2022 Both Kcor and Ucomp are again observing on sky, but there is a lot of aerosols present in the images. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mlso: Tue Feb 1 00:47:22 GMT 2022 Details form this morning ucomp field lens work: With the occulter aligned to the sun, the O1 set to 25mm (656nm) and a piece of paper set in front of the lyot stop as an imaging screen/light blocker for the instrument. With the original field lens in the beam, we see a dark spot (looking like the occulter) occupying 18% of the inner field, a bright ring at 76% of the field a second bright ring at 93% of the field, and a dimmer region outside the bright ring. There is also a bright image of what looks like the occulter off to one edge of the spot. This might be light passing thru the paper reflecting off the polarizers in the modulator (which are tilted) and back up to the paper, although the opacity of the paper makes this suspect. With the new field lens in the beam cranked as far forward as possible we see an image of the occulter 10% of the beam and an outer bright ring 92% of the field with another bright ring 96% of the field of view. In this field lens position, the bright occulter image near the edge of the fov is also greatly redacted in size and intensity; so even if this is not coming off the modulator moving the field lens forward is helping. The images of the dust spots on the occulter remain out of focus even at the field lens position. So it seems like either the field lens needs to move closer to the occulter (which will need different hardware) and/or the screen needs to move toward the lyot spot leaves. At the extreme-forward position, the field lens comes in contact with the back of the occulter stage about the same time we run out of threads on the new adjustable field stop. So if we do need to move the lens further forward that this position we will need different lens spacers and to make some changes to the occulter stage (likely removing the cone at the back). Tomorrow we will do another test with the lyot stop closed to prevent reflections off the polarizers to see if/how this affects the bright image of the occulter. We will also place a paper target on the leaves of the lyot stop iris (2-3mm behind today's target paper) to see what effect that has on bringing everything into the correct position. Hopefully, this will gain use the field lens range we need, so we don't need to change the adjustable mount or remove the occulter cone. ___end___ Tue Feb 01 00:47:58 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook waves_1074_1hour.cbk line 123 Tue Feb 01 00:50:46 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_200_1sums_80ms.cbk line 0 Tue Feb 01 00:55:49 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook no-occulter-flat.cbk line 0 Tue Feb 01 01:02:30 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 Tue Feb 01 01:20:54 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal.cbk line 0 GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Feb 01 01:25:45 GMT 2022 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Feb 01 01:25:48 GMT 2022 ___end___ Tue Feb 01 01:28:34 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Feb 01 01:30:25 GMT 2022 Kcor and Ucomp are again paused due to poor sky conditions. ___end___ Tue Feb 01 01:42:11 GMT 2022 UCoMP Restarted from pause GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Feb 01 02:25:57 GMT 2022 Clouds in the morning, but by mid morning they had broken enough to take data. After initially taking data this morning it was on and off with the clouds for the rest of the day. Surprisingly enough we got a pretty good CME in between clouds. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: berkey, mcotter