----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 12 18:24:59 GMT 2022 Year: 22 Doy: 043 Observer: mlso Sat Feb 12 18:25:42 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 530_Scan.cbk line 0 WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sat Feb 12 18:28:15 GMT 2022 Temp: 42.3f, Humidity: 16%, Pressure: 28.659in, Wind: 8mph from 252degs, Skies: Fairly clear skes overall but there were some Cirrus clouds on the lower eastern horizon earlier that have just dissipated. Inversion layer visible on the horizon at approximately the level of Hualalai. Skies remain a little bright. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Feb 12 18:28:21 GMT 2022 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Feb 12 18:28:28 GMT 2022 PM Blew off UCoMP O1 ___end___ Sat Feb 12 18:28:11 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 637_Scan.cbk line 0 GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Feb 12 18:28:33 GMT 2022 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Feb 12 18:29:15 GMT 2022 Ucomp instrument up and running. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Feb 12 18:29:34 GMT 2022 Kcor instrument up and running. ___end___ Sat Feb 12 18:30:01 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 691_Scan.cbk line 0 KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Feb 12 18:30:25 GMT 2022 Kcor polarization checked good: Mid, Bright, Dark, Mid. ___end___ Sat Feb 12 18:31:50 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 706_Scan.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 18:33:40 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 789_Scan.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 18:35:29 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1074_Scan.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 18:37:18 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1079_Scan.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 18:39:08 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 ****Possible CME in Progress mcotter**** : Sat Feb 12 18:48:50 GMT 2022 Observers report with medium confidence a CME seeing launching near PA250 deg, with a minimum width of 20 deg, at UT time 18:26:07. The event was already in progress at start of observing. ___end___ Sat Feb 12 19:31:54 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 20:18:28 GMT 2022 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20171025.ini Sat Feb 12 20:33:41 GMT 2022 KCOR End Calibration Script KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat Feb 12 20:37:32 GMT 2022 Kcor calibration run. Polarization checked good: Mid, Bright, Dark, Mid. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sat Feb 12 22:13:08 GMT 2022 Temp: 48.9f, Humidity: 15%, Pressure: 28.647in, Wind: 10mph from 276degs, Skies: So far the skies are remaining nice and clear with only distant clouds visible on the horizon. ___end___ Sat Feb 12 22:54:39 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_80ms_2beam_16sums_BOTH.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 22:55:56 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 530_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 23:00:30 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 637_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 23:04:34 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 691_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 23:08:38 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 706_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 23:12:42 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 789_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 23:16:45 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1074_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 23:20:49 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1079_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Sat Feb 12 23:24:53 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook waves_1074_1hour.cbk line 0 GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Feb 13 00:25:19 GMT 2022 There is a noticeable increase in aerosols and the Kcor synoptic images have become a light gray in color. Additionally, the Kcor NRGF image is becoming grainy with the higher presence of aerosols. I am going to allow the instruments to continue to run for now, but will need to pause observations if the aerosols get any worse. ___end___ Sun Feb 13 00:35:59 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_200_1sums_80ms.cbk line 0 Sun Feb 13 00:41:03 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook no-occulter-flat.cbk line 0 Sun Feb 13 00:47:34 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelenght_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Feb 13 00:52:04 GMT 2022 The Kcor Synoptic images have continued to grow brighter and are now a light gray and it is difficult to differentiate the corona from the background. Additionally, the image from the Ucomp instrument shows the background color growing bright in the Ucomp-controller image. I am pausing both instruments until sky conditions improve. ___end___ Sun Feb 13 00:52:00 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Feb 13 01:00:49 GMT 2022 It is worth noting that during the course of the day there has been a lot of activity going on from approximately PA 200deg to approximately 300 deg. Very large bright limbs can be observed along this entire region, coinciding with high activity as can be seen in the SDO Dashboard images. Incidentally, this is the same region where a CME trail was observed earlier this morning when we were first getting on sky. ___end___ Sun Feb 13 01:00:43 GMT 2022 UCoMP Restarted from pause GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Feb 13 01:06:28 GMT 2022 I have restarted the instruments and it looks like the aerosols may have lessened a little bit. Though the images are still a bit bright I am going to let the instruments continue to run (as much as possible) as the activity on the Sun's western hemisphere is very high. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sun Feb 13 01:44:26 GMT 2022 Orthographic clouds are beginning to make their way up into the viewing area from the west. Kcor Synoptic images have gotten very bright and the corona is no longer distinguishable from the background. Both instruments are being paused until sky conditions improve. ___end___ Sun Feb 13 01:44:24 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sun Feb 13 01:57:33 GMT 2022 More Orthographic clouds are moving into the viewing area and the sky is rapidly filling in clouds from the northwest, north and northeast. ___end___ **KCOR PROBLEM COMMENT BY mcotter** : Sun Feb 13 02:13:32 GMT 2022 Since the aerosols and clouds have been moving in and out of the viewing area I have been stopping and then restarting the Kcor Synoptic image program. This last time I tried to stop the Kcor Synoptic program it was unresponsive to the "STOP" command. I tried engaging the GUI button several time but no luck. Finally I quit the Socket-cam program and the Kcor Synoptic program closed as well. When the Kcor Synoptic program closed it was left in an "error" state with a code 66 showing. I exited the program completely, restarted it and the program came up normally. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sun Feb 13 02:14:36 GMT 2022 The sky has become very bright with aerosols and clouds are increasing. Both Instrument are now stopped. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Feb 13 02:54:18 GMT 2022 Changed tact mat in dome vestibule. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Feb 13 02:57:38 GMT 2022 Emptied trash receptacle in control room. Changed tact mat in clean room. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sun Feb 13 03:18:02 GMT 2022 A few clouds early in the morning but then it cleared nicely for most of the day. Some aerosols in the afternoon making the sky a bit bright, but overall a good day! ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: mcotter