----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 7 16:32:48 GMT 2022 Year: 22 Doy: 127 Observer: mlso WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sat May 07 16:35:00 GMT 2022 Temp: 41.5f, Humidity: 78%, Pressure: 28.849in, Wind: 3mph from 195degs, Skies: The upper ski is covered in Cirrus, Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus clouds making for a completely overcast sky. Altocumulus clouds are spread across the lower elevations of the island. There is fog and mist in the Saddle Valley. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Sat May 07 16:35:34 GMT 2022 Cannot open the dome at this time due to poor sky conditions. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sat May 07 23:30:36 GMT 2022 The sky is totally overcast in all directions with slightly hazy skies at lower elevations. A light mist can be felt in the air outside the observatory. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Sun May 08 00:04:42 GMT 2022 The weather continues to worsen with a light rain beginning to fall. No observing today due to poor sky conditions. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: mcotter