----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 4 16:50:18 GMT 2022 Year: 22 Doy: 185 Observer: mlso WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jul 04 16:54:00 GMT 2022 Temp: 45.8f, Humidity: 18%, Pressure: 28.784in, Wind: 10mph from 109degs, Skies: Thin layers of Cirrus clouds are scattered in different parts of the sky, but mostly to the north and west. Altocumulus and Cumulus clouds are scattered in different parts of the lower sky, but again mostly to the north and west. The inversion layer is difficult to determine because of the scattered clouds at lower elevations but the top of Haleakala is visible. There is also a slight haze to the sky and a light steady wind from the southeast. ___end___ Mon Jul 04 16:55:56 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 16:59:00 GMT 2022 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 17:01:04 GMT 2022 The Kcor Fous routine image showed the sky to be not too bright, but the auto focus needed to be run several times until a decently shaped parabola was obtained. The level 0 Kcor Synoptic images look good. Kcor now observing. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 17:01:24 GMT 2022 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 17:01:31 GMT 2022 PM Blew off UCoMP O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 17:01:47 GMT 2022 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 17:02:08 GMT 2022 Ucomp now observing. ___end___ Mon Jul 04 17:11:25 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal.cbk line 0 KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 17:32:11 GMT 2022 The Kcor level 01 images are getting bright from the center outward at this time. When looking at the sky it does appear to be bright but there are no noticeable clouds in the viewing area. I am going to let the Kcor instrument continue to observe and see if this change in sky brightness is just a band of high altitude Cirrus that I cannot see with the naked eye and that the instrument will pass through this area of the sky. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 17:35:28 GMT 2022 The Kcor 01 level images have returned to a more acceptable darker image and the sky appears to have again returned to better observing conditions. The instrument indeed seemed to have passed through a band of high altitude Cirrus and the sky conditions are again acceptable. ___end___ Mon Jul 04 17:39:11 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 18:06:39 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal.cbk line 0 WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jul 04 18:10:28 GMT 2022 High altitude Cirrus clouds are now beginning to show up in the Yawcam preview image. Soon the Sun will begin to advance into the part of the sky that is overcast with Cirrus clouds and the Cirrus clouds extends across the entire sky going toward the west. Once we enter this portion of the sky the instrument will need to be stopped and the observations suspended. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 18:13:53 GMT 2022 The Kcor instrument has been stopped due to poor sky conditions. ___end___ Mon Jul 04 18:14:07 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 18:14:18 GMT 2022 The Ucomp is now pause due to poor sky conditions. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jul 04 19:21:06 GMT 2022 The sky is completely overcast with high altitude Cirrus and Cirrostratus clouds. A clear bright halo is visible around the Sun at this time. ___end___ Mon Jul 04 20:03:16 GMT 2022 UCoMP Restarted from pause WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Mon Jul 04 20:04:18 GMT 2022 Though the sky remains bright a the spar tracking has entered a clear blue area of the sky. An attempt is to be made to put instruments back on sky. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 20:04:50 GMT 2022 Kcor is back observing though the sky des remain a bit bright. ___end___ UCoMP COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 20:05:33 GMT 2022 Ucomp is back observing though the sky does remain bright. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY mcotter: Mon Jul 04 20:07:30 GMT 2022 The Kcor Synoptic images ( level 0 ) are just a bit bright, mostly from the center outward, but overall the images are decent and quite acceptable. ___end___ Mon Jul 04 20:23:10 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 20:31:19 GMT 2022 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20171025.ini Mon Jul 04 20:38:21 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook waves_1074_1hour.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 20:46:34 GMT 2022 KCOR End Calibration Script Mon Jul 04 21:48:09 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook dark_80ms_2beam_16sums_BOTH.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 21:49:26 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 637_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 21:53:29 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 706_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 21:57:32 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 789_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 22:01:45 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1074_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 22:05:48 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook 1079_Pol_Calibrate.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 22:09:51 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 22:37:39 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal_flat.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 22:52:49 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 23:20:56 GMT 2022 Running UCOMP Cookbook all_wavelength_coronal.cbk line 0 Mon Jul 04 23:29:27 GMT 2022 UCoMP Paused for clouds WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Tue Jul 05 00:48:59 GMT 2022 High altitude Cirrus and Cirrostratus clouds are again in the viewing area. The instruments have been paused due to poor sky conditions. ___end___ Tue Jul 05 00:58:56 GMT 2022 UCoMP Restarted from pause GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Jul 05 01:04:55 GMT 2022 The day started out beautiful with skies a bit bright, but good observations were accomplished. High altitude Cirrus came into the viewing area in the late morning but skies cleared within a short time and observations continued. Cirrus has again returned and the sky has again become quite bright; too bright to observe. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: mcotter