----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 08 17:40:32 GMT 2024 Year: 24 Doy: 100 Observer: lisapg, berkey Day after Eclipse operations. 729am arival, batteries were at 86% when we walked in. Weather report: clear sky!!! 747 Kcor started 750am ucomp started, centering focus had the occulter out and it wasn't moving. restarting labview fixed problem there 803 Kcor ended up in the wrong state, stopped it, verified again it was in the right state and restart observations. 805 path for ucomp failed to update, 823 80% battery 939 sky looks clear, things are running alright 1145 helicopter has been called and we're stretching the time as best we can, first group of NOAA has been taken down. 1157 57% on battery