Filename Reason Bkg V RCAM TCAM Sigma 20210722.192316.ucomp.706.l1.p7.fts 16 17.9 12.53 2.6 2.8 NaN 20210722.194157.ucomp.706.l1.p7.fts 16 18.1 12.70 3.5 2.9 NaN 20210723.030408.ucomp.706.l1.p7.fts 16 29.3 12.92 0.8 0.8 NaN 20210723.032229.ucomp.706.l1.p7.fts 16 27.0 13.05 0.7 0.7 NaN GBU bitmask codes Code Description 1 spar guide control loop is below threshold (0.99) 2 spar guider intensity below threshold (0.9 * 6.551 * exp(-0.05 * secz)) 4 median background is above threshold (35.0) 8 median background is below threshold (5.0) 16 spurious Stokes V signal is above threshold (8.0) 32 the chi-squared of the occulter fit is above threshold (800.0) 64 the difference of the image with the median is above threshold (1.5) * indicates that the threshold values changed on the day