Filename Reason 20210722.192316.ucomp.706.l1.p7.fts 0 20210722.194157.ucomp.706.l1.p7.fts 0 20210723.030408.ucomp.706.l1.p7.fts 0 20210723.032229.ucomp.706.l1.p7.fts 0 Quality bitmask codes Code Description 1 in/out values that are neither in or out 2 check for sequential extensions acquired more than 10.0 secs apart 4 multiple datatypes in a file 8 an extension is identically zero 16 any reported temperatures are identical 32 a temperature is not in the nominal range 64 multiple O1FOCUS values in a file 128 checked for saturated and non-linear pixels in a file 256 some wavelengths that do not match wave region 512 an error occurred in L1 processing