FUNCTION it_drawcircle, img,slit=slit,fts=fts,hdr=hdr ;this procedure inserts a circle to represent the solar disk into ;a byte array. It needs to be sent the name of the array to insert ;the circle into. Currently for use only on MK3 data nray = 720 nraym1 = nray - 1 acirc = !PI * 2.0 / float(nray) dp = findgen(nray) * acirc + acirc * (0.25*(float(nray))) dpx = intarr(nray) dpy = intarr(nray) IF (KEYWORD_SET(slit)) THEN BEGIN xcen = 255.5 & ycen = 255.5 & mk3rad = 104.4435 & radius = 1.00 rnder = 0.5005 dpx = fix (cos(dp) * mk3rad * radius + xcen + rnder) ; for disk size dpy = fix (sin(dp) * mk3rad * radius + ycen + rnder) ; for disk size ENDIF IF (KEYWORD_SET(fts)) THEN BEGIN xcen=fxpar(hdr,'CRPIX1') ycen=fxpar(hdr,'CRPIX2') radius=it_getrad(hdr) rnder=0.5005 dpx = fix (cos(dp) * radius + xcen + rnder) ; for disk size dpy = fix (sin(dp) * radius + ycen + rnder) ; for disk size ENDIF img(dpx,dpy)=230 RETURN, img END ;