PRO pBT, filenm rorig=intarr(128,720) dispi=bytarr(128,720) rclut=bytarr(256) gclut=bytarr(256) bclut=bytarr(256) ans='n' & dolog='n' & psplot='n' ch1=STRPOS(filenm,'ch1') IF (ch1 NE -1) THEN r0=1.4 ELSE r0 = 1.1224 dr = 0.01042 forever = 1 theta = findgen(720)*0.5 !Y.MARGIN=[3,3] sun = strpos (getenv ('IDL_DEVICE'), 'X') + 1 if ( sun and psplot eq 'n') then begin ;{ device,window_state=winst if(winst(0) eq 0)then window,0,xsize=128,ysize=720,xpos=512+110,ypos=200 if(winst(1) eq 0)then window,1,xsize=1000,ysize=600; ,xpos=0,ypos=500 endif ;} if (psplot eq 'y') then begin ;{ spawn,'mv' set_plot,'ps' device,/landscape,/inches,xsize=10.0,ysize=7.0,filename='' !P.MULTI = [ 0, 2 , 3 ] endif else begin;}{ !P.MULTI = [ 0, 3 , 2 ] endelse ;} close,1 & openr,1,filenm & readu,1,rorig & close,1 ii=strpos(filenm,'pB') if(ii ne -1) then begin ;{ pltmn=-100 & pltmx=10000 dspmn=-700 & dspmx=4000 dolog='y' if ( dolog eq 'y' ) then pltmn=1 endif ;} dispi=bytscl(rorig,min=dspmn,max=dspmx,top=200) if(sun) then begin ;{ tvlct,rclut,gclut,bclut,/get rclut(201)=255 & gclut(201)=5 & bclut(201)=5 & tvlct,rclut,gclut,bclut endif;} IF (ch1 NE -1) THEN radius = [1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6] ELSE $ radius=[1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2] pltrad=radius dpx = fix ( 0.5 + (radius-r0)/dr ) dpy = indgen(720) if (sun AND psplot EQ 'n') then begin ;{ wset,0 tv,dispi xyouts,.05,.95,filenm,charsize=1.5,/nor wset,1 endif;} FOR i=0,5 DO BEGIN pltarr=rorig(dpx(i),dpy) plot_io,[0.,360.],[pltmn,pltmx],title=filenm,$ xtitle="Polar angle",ytitle="pB*e^10 B/Bsun",/nodata,yst=1,xst=1 ;plot,[0.,360.],[0,5000],title=filenm,$ ; xtitle="Polar angle",ytitle="pB*e^10 B/Bsun",/nodata,yst=1,xst=1 oplot,theta,pltarr,linestyle=0.0,thick=2 xyouts,5.0,pltmx+pltmx*.05, $ string(format='(f4.2)',pltrad(i)) + ' Rsun',charsize=1.5 ENDFOR if(psplot eq 'y')then begin;{ device,/close set_plot,'x' spawn,'/usr/ucb/lpr -Phaoip -h' endif;} end